Became a beachbody coach for discond??



  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    I love me a good discond. I would totally do it.
  • beardedwarriortx
    beardedwarriortx Posts: 238 Member
    Beachbody (and being a "coach") is:

    1. A scam
    2. A waste of time/money
    3. A hassle
    4. Stupppid!

    Work out hard, eat less cals than you bring in, find good supportive friends, get enough sleep, drink tons of water.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    50 lb in 6 months seems an awful lot, awful fast to me.

    Studies say the slower you lose the better the odds are you'll keep it off.

    Took me 15 months to lose 33 lbs.
    (5' 6.5" started at 175 got down to 142, but the bottom line is I can't maintain 142 and live the life I want to. So on maintenance I've been shooting for 145, but I've been bouncing around between 142-148)

    Bottom line is it doesn't matter how much you lose if you can't keep it off.

    Now your 25 years younger than me so I imagine it will be easier for you to lose, but still too much too fast and you end up rebounding gaining more plus some... (Trust me I've been dieting since I was 11)
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I love me a good discond. I would totally do it.

  • advocare_momma
    AMEN I have a friend that does it and I just laugh!
  • advocare_momma
    I love isanity and would love T25 but would NEVER drink that nasty stuff! I've heard how chalky it was and how my sister in law choked it down!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    AMEN I have a friend that does it and I just laugh!
    I love isanity and would love T25 but would NEVER drink that nasty stuff! I've heard how chalky it was and how my sister in law choked it down!

    LOL@advocare rep (w/ "advocare" in username) trashing beachbody.


    Don't ever change, MFP.

    Don't. Ever. Change.
  • toolzz
    toolzz Posts: 163 Member
    If you really want to lose weight and keep it off you have to realise that you need to change FOREVER not just for a few weeks or months.
  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    50 lbs in 6 months is just under 2 pounds a week which is a realistic goal if you don't kick yourself in the *kitten* if you don't hit the mark which in all likelihood you won't every week.

    I wouldn't do the shakeology thing, but that's just me and my preference. Maybe just a protein or meal replacer shake might do the same thing. I just don't know enough about it.

    When I first started, it took a few weeks for things to start to drop off. Stick with Insanity or find something else but keep moving. The alternative is to stay how you were and obviously you want the change.

    Typos are human.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    AMEN I have a friend that does it and I just laugh!
    I love isanity and would love T25 but would NEVER drink that nasty stuff! I've heard how chalky it was and how my sister in law choked it down!

    LOL@advocare rep (w/ "advocare" in username) trashing beachbody.


    Don't ever change, MFP.

    Don't. Ever. Change.

    And a profile pic drinking what looks to be an Advocare shake!
  • everstraete
    everstraete Posts: 18 Member
    Back on topic: there's plenty of protein replacements out there. I prefer p96. Why? Because it tastes decent, has no artificial stuff I'm allergic to, comes in single serving packs, and most importantly- my mom is Plexus Worldwide rep and she buys them at a discount for me. Is it the be all out there? Hell no, I'm just lazy :wink:

    As for your calories, a quick visit to one of the many TDEE calculators to be found online puts you at (note: I put in no exercise since I didn't know how often/how much/ how hard you work out and shows for aggressive weightloss (1.5-2 lbs a week) you need about 1525 calories a day, about 400 less than you've been eating. As for macros, sooooooo not my area- I leave you in the more than capable hands of the fellow MFP people here who know what they are talking about.

    Also, measuring could be an issue. When I measure my food I overestimate EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth, always loosely pack measuring spoons and cups, etc. Why? measuring cups lie, and again I am a lazy-*kitten* college student with no interest in lugging a food scale to the cafeteria (which provides no nutritional info anyway).

    Since I have gotten it together, followed my TDEE, ate in a decent macro range, and stopped overestimating everything I eat I've actually seen the scale move a bit (yay!). Please note, the scale moved AFTER I listened to the fine folks over here :happy:

    I really do wish you luck!
  • TheTara01
    I am actually a beach body coach (a newbie). I signed up because I actually like to products (Shakeology, T25 and P90X3). I lost 9 lbs and 11 inches in 30 days. I singed up to be a coach because I support the product, Shakeology is the healthiest meal of the day (and has a 30 day bottom of the bad money back guarantee) and the works outs kick my butt!!!
    And you get a discount on all of their products. Plus I have a great support team.
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    With 50lbs to lose 6 months is definitely an unrealistic goal. Especially if you're already frustrated after a mere two weeks. Weightloss is not linear. It goes up and down.

    I did a quick check on scoobi ( and if you're doing 3-5 hours a week of moderate exercise your TDEE-20% calorie goal is fairly accurate. When using this method you need to recheck your stats about every 10lbs lost or so and as you get closer to goal weight you will lower the percentage. So at 35lbs to go you do TDEE-15%, at 15lbs you do TDEE-10%.

    Therefore you're either eating more than you think if you are not weighing your food properly or you need to tweak down a bit. I would perhaps give 1800 cals daily a try for 3-4weeks but only AFTER you start properly weighing your food for a couple of weeks and still notice no change.

    The scale is only one very general way of checking for weight loss. You should also be measuring yourself to see if inches are being lost and keeping a diary or using MFP's check-in. Check the fit of your cloths. Take front, back & side view pics once a month. You may just be amazed at what you see...:)