Lost...don't know how to start

I feel completely lost, I'm not sure what to eat, or how much to eat, what exercises to do.. How do you get started? I don't think I can do this alone so asking for any advice, words of wisdom and support


  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    One step at a time. One good choice after another. You need to decide if you want to go by mfp suggestions then you need to eat your exercise calories back because a defecit is already accounted for or the tdee _10-20% ( for that you would need to use a different website like Scoobysworkshop . Any exercise is better than no exercise. Cardio and strength training combo is a good start. Alone is hard friend request sent
  • Hiker_Rob
    Hiker_Rob Posts: 5,547 Member
    Start by logging your foods and exercise every day, make sure to log all that you eat and drink. Don't even worry about trying to change things right away, just get used to logging, you will quickly see some habits in your eating. Make little changes for the positive, eliminate or reduce those foods that you know are not good for you. Depending on your current activity level, start with something like walking daily and build up from there.

    Set yourself goals that are attainable, motivation comes from your goals, with out them it's going to be a difficult process. Refer to them often. Having friends on here is great, it can be very helpful to have support from others.

    Feel free to look over my profile and blog, you will find some helpful advise there I'm sure.

    All the best and good luck!!
  • 212019156
    212019156 Posts: 341 Member
    Also make small changes to what you eat. Reduce certain things. If you are too drastic right away it won't last. So for example if you drink 2 sodas per day cut it back to 1 soda. Make a small change like this every week. The little things add up.
  • Mariafit40
    Mariafit40 Posts: 15
    Thank you so much! I desperately want to get healthier.
  • Mariafit40
    Mariafit40 Posts: 15
    Thank you!