Hi - 43 years old. Used to be the skinny girl.

Well here we go...........

I used to be that skinny girl that everybody hated because I could eat whatever i wanted...........5' 3" and 99 pounds when I started college.

Married at 26 at 126 pounds.

I had a baby when I was 30........ gained alot of weight while pregnant (up to 160) but most of it came right off.

Then I got cancer and I got REALLY SKINNY......... down to 118 pounds at one point.

Now, 7 years later, I hit 160. Except I'm not preggers this time.

I'd like to be 130. 135 is probably reasonable at my age.

I've been using Isagenix products since last August. I'm happy with them, but obviously I will have to exercise to get the job done. Which I hate.

I hired a personal trainer. No results. None.
I've started the Couch to 5K program twice. Running is hard on my knees, but I want to try it again.

I'm now a single mom with a 13 yo and an 8yo. I have very little help. I'm exhausted.

I have access to a gym at work. Maybe having a message board will help. I do have a friend at work who is willing to motivate me if I'll let him. :)

That's my story........