Not losing- open diary !

Hey everyone!

So I am a 21 year old female and weigh around about 134 pounds! My goal weight is about 115-120 depending on how I look. For the past two weeks I have changed my diet as I am trying to reduce my overall body fat whilst maintaining LBM. Now usually I dont weigh myself and just go by how I look however this hasn't really worked as I tend to lose weight, put it back on and repeat without really realizing so i thought I would start weekly weigh ins!

The issue is that in 2 weeks, I gained a pound and have not lost anything, Usually, I wouldn't care however its abit demotivating to not lose anything and I am thinking that maybe my diet is off?

In terms of exercise, I do around an hour 6 days a week of bodyweight cardio/ HIIT and starting this weekend, I am starting heavy lifting! I know my exercise calories are right as I have a heart rate monitor and I always take off 100 calories burnt just incase it is not as accurate as I think.

In terms of food, I weigh everything. The past couple of days i have some splurges due to valentines day etc... however, it always fits in my daily calories. Really not sure what I am doing wrong..

Thanks for any feedback you have :)


  • Jgal8123
    Jgal8123 Posts: 1,378 Member
    On the whole, your diary looks pretty good although maybe you should be eating more calories based on the amount of exercise you are doing. I am exercising about half as much as you and I'm aiming for about 1500 cal per day (I'm following TDEE minus 20% and not eating most of my calories back). I notice you eat very little fruits and veggies and you don't log your water intake. Try focusing on eating fresh foods in place of some of the 'packaged' items you are eating - ex. how about a salad or sautéed veggies instead of canned corn? Make sure you are drinking enough fluids for your activity level.