Is my fitbit too generous?



  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    Yes I do but it gets automatically overridden by my manually entering my hrm data...or so I was led to believe? I log it in the fitbit app and it seems to adjust correctly to me

    I'm not far off a month stuck at this now and I guess I just expected more...even a little would be nice!

    My fitbit tells me to aim for 2543 so -20% im looking at 2034
    Mfp tells me to aim for 1330 then the fitbit adjustment varies but its usually around 600-700 additional per day

    It does override the data as long as you are entering the correct start and finish times. I would suggest changing your MFP settings so they match your FitBit settings or vice versa for calorie intake.
  • ChayB
    ChayB Posts: 50 Member

    It does override the data as long as you are entering the correct start and finish times. I would suggest changing your MFP settings so they match your FitBit settings or vice versa for calorie intake.

    How do I tell which is the correct set of settings to use?
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    I use the fitbit one and find it to be spot on accurate. If you open up your diary I might be able to give you some more specific advice.

    Have done, thanks :)

    Maybe try changing your macros on MFP to 40% carbs/30% fat/30% protein instead? MFP's suggestions are usually really low for protein and fat but higher in carbs.
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member

    It does override the data as long as you are entering the correct start and finish times. I would suggest changing your MFP settings so they match your FitBit settings or vice versa for calorie intake.

    How do I tell which is the correct set of settings to use?

    You can try going to sites like or to calculate your calorie intakes from there and them set both Fitbit and MFP to those calculations.
  • ChayB
    ChayB Posts: 50 Member

    It does override the data as long as you are entering the correct start and finish times. I would suggest changing your MFP settings so they match your FitBit settings or vice versa for calorie intake.

    How do I tell which is the correct set of settings to use?

    You can try going to sites like or to calculate your calorie intakes from there and them set both Fitbit and MFP to those calculations.

    Ahh ok, I was scared to mess with the settings mfp and fitbit gave me as I figured they knew better than me :)
  • cclarocque
    Sorry for the accountant answer :) So if you are trying to eat 1330 (start with that and add subtract if you are always within the 50 calories and having no result) and the Fitbit it starting you at say 1000 a day then adding your activity (so on average your FitBit adjustment is 330 calories) your should put 1000 into MFP so when it adds your calories you get to 1330. Then when you have a extra active day you get true exercise point and if you are having a movie on the couch day you don't think you have calories that you don't. This is the way I found so the the calories left on both were consistent and I was not like....awesome 400 exercise calories, when it was really 184.

    Also good to track for a couple weeks and then look the FitBit data for total calories estimated (those are not adjusted for deficit so it will give you an idea of how close the 2007 TDEE is since I assume that was from a standard calculator. Also interesting to see if you change your macros and then do the same experiment and see if it has an effect. Data is power right? Also just like H/W charts, BMI, TDEE, Calorie Counts on exercise machines are estimates based on averages so is the standard settings on MFP, as you get personalized data you will get better results from customizing...and if it does not work you can always reset them.

    Also, just FYI my macros at 30%Carb/30%Protein and 40% Fat...but that is just me. I struggled for years trying high carb/low fat losing the same 10 points and gaining them right back. So far this has resulted in 38 pounds in 6 months and that is with a Christmas week that did not go so well so I am going to stick to it for now.
  • ChayB
    ChayB Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you for explaining all that, really appreciate you taking the time :)

    Next question...if my bmr is 1600 odd and its telling me to eat 1330 is this safe?
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    Thank you for explaining all that, really appreciate you taking the time :)

    Next question...if my bmr is 1600 odd and its telling me to eat 1330 is this safe?

    I would recommend eating higher than your BMR but lower than your TDEE. How much weight are you trying to lose? That usually will determine what to set your calorie goals for.

    ETA - Just saw from your profile how much you want to lose. I would select the 1 pound per week weight loss. Also, make sure your settings on MFP are set to lightly active at least and then see how many calories it gives you. Or you can use one of the sites I posted above to calculate the calorie goal based on your TDEE and BMR.
  • momie0205
    I have always been told not to eat my exercise calories back. Also, I am by no means an expert but maybe if you ate cleaner it would be help too.
  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    Are you taking the calorie burn from your HRM and entering it in a workout calories into MFP? Your HRM is also including what you would burn by sitting around doing nothing so you're double counting if you're doing that. Doing the same walk, same speed at the same weight, my Fitbit will give me about 350 calories back, my HRM is closer to 550. Becareful if you're taking HRM calories at face value.
  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member
    It's also important with adding exercise to MFP to get the time right - the "doubling up" that you mentioned earlier in the thread should get fixed by that.

    I tend to get an extra 100 cal or so with fitbit vs MFP, esp on the days that I am more active. It will give me less on the days that I am not active or minimally active.

    I actually have my calorie deficit set at less than my goal (1lb/week instead of 1.5), and I only eat up to 100-200 of my exercise calories per day. This gives me a cushion of 1000-1500 cal per week to use on the weekends if I want.
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    I have always been told not to eat my exercise calories back. Also, I am by no means an expert but maybe if you ate cleaner it would be help too.

    It depends on what plan you are following. For example, if you are doing TDEE minus 20% (or whatever percent you want), then no, you would not eat back your exercise calories because your activity level is already included in that total. If you are following the program that MFP has set up, then yes, you would eat back your calories because they assume that you are not going to work out and base the calorie goal for your projected weight loss without exercise. Thats why if you add a workout to MFP, it will bump your calories up for the day.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    The bottom line is, the one thing that isn't confusing is the scale. If it ain't moving, change something. Obviously you are not in a deficit if you aren't losing, so adjust your calories down or your exercise up. For the record, I think you are eating more than you think. But again, the scale never lies.
  • Heyyleigh
    Heyyleigh Posts: 268 Member
    Everyone has done a great job with helping you with the numbers and advice on your macros. It is said a calorie is a calorie, but I am a firm believer and living proof that there is a big difference in those calories with what goes in your mouth. I just looked at your diary, since you asked the question I am going to tell you what I see.
    First get rid of those double chunk chocolate muffins and the frosted flakes and coffee cakes. If you are serious in this weight loss journey then you must change the way you eat. If there are things that you are not willing to budge on then accept your weight loss will be very slow. Instead of the 1 liter of skimmed milk, try unsweetened almond. Are you really drinking One liter which is roughly 33.8 ounces? A serving size is 8 ozs. If you cant live with out chocolate then switch to organic 85% cocoa bars, or sugar free jello pudding, instead of the frosted flakes, try some of the Kashi whole grain cereals. There are so many delicious things you could be eating and eating so much more great quality food than you do now. For ideas Goggle some menus.
    I suspect that since you are logging and moving with your fitbit that you are serious. But until you clean up that diet - you will be stalled. I lost 31 pds when I got my fitbit in 3 months, I logged everything I ate. I never paid attn to the fitbit site on the logging part for food, its hard to follow MFP and fitbit. So I use MFP for logging and let fitbit sync cals burned etc and activity levels. I am very serious with my fitbit, I average 25K-30K steps a day that comes from walking and biking. I have reached the point where I learned how to eat, a true lifestyle change. Weight loss is indeed 85% diet, 15% exercise.
    Good luck with you journey and happy stepping.
  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    But again, the scale never lies.

    au contraire... google "Why the Scale Lies" some very good info.
  • ChayB
    ChayB Posts: 50 Member
    Are you taking the calorie burn from your HRM and entering it in a workout calories into MFP? Your HRM is also including what you would burn by sitting around doing nothing so you're double counting if you're doing that. Doing the same walk, same speed at the same weight, my Fitbit will give me about 350 calories back, my HRM is closer to 550. Becareful if you're taking HRM calories at face value.

    Nope, I'm entering it in fitbit so it overrides mfp...
  • ChayB
    ChayB Posts: 50 Member
    The bottom line is, the one thing that isn't confusing is the scale. If it ain't moving, change something. Obviously you are not in a deficit if you aren't losing, so adjust your calories down or your exercise up. For the record, I think you are eating more than you think. But again, the scale never lies.

    Totally agree...but surely I'd be at least losing a little something with the changes I've already made?
    Could always drop the calories a little more anyhow :)
  • ChayB
    ChayB Posts: 50 Member
    Everyone has done a great job with helping you with the numbers and advice on your macros. It is said a calorie is a calorie, but I am a firm believer and living proof that there is a big difference in those calories with what goes in your mouth. I just looked at your diary, since you asked the question I am going to tell you what I see.
    First get rid of those double chunk chocolate muffins and the frosted flakes and coffee cakes. If you are serious in this weight loss journey then you must change the way you eat. If there are things that you are not willing to budge on then accept your weight loss will be very slow. Instead of the 1 liter of skimmed milk, try unsweetened almond. Are you really drinking One liter which is roughly 33.8 ounces? A serving size is 8 ozs. If you cant live with out chocolate then switch to organic 85% cocoa bars, or sugar free jello pudding, instead of the frosted flakes, try some of the Kashi whole grain cereals. There are so many delicious things you could be eating and eating so much more great quality food than you do now. For ideas Goggle some menus.
    I suspect that since you are logging and moving with your fitbit that you are serious. But until you clean up that diet - you will be stalled. I lost 31 pds when I got my fitbit in 3 months, I logged everything I ate. I never paid attn to the fitbit site on the logging part for food, its hard to follow MFP and fitbit. So I use MFP for logging and let fitbit sync cals burned etc and activity levels. I am very serious with my fitbit, I average 25K-30K steps a day that comes from walking and biking. I have reached the point where I learned how to eat, a true lifestyle change. Weight loss is indeed 85% diet, 15% exercise.
    Good luck with you journey and happy stepping.

    Thank you :)
    Muffins and cakes aren't a regular thing and I fitted them in my calories so didn't think they'd be a problem so that sucks :(
    No I don't drink a litre, it should say 0.5 of a litre...I've tried almond milk, soya milk, goats milk...nasty the frosted flakes, totally not good for me I know! I'm up and about for 2-3 hours before brekkie so I'm usually starving by then hence why I eat so much...I'll look into changing that :)
  • kekeleeks
    kekeleeks Posts: 74 Member
    I have a fitbit and use a HRM. As some of the others mentioned, you want to make sure your settings are the same on both sites. I am lightly active on both sites and they give me roughly about the same amount of calories per day (there is about 100-150 cal difference).

    Nutrition is also important and it is probably time to switch it up. Sugar and Sodium can play an impact on the weight you loose. So you maybe within your calories but think about what is in those calories.

    Lastly, Have you switched up your exercise routine? Are you doing just straight cardio? Add some strength training to your workout plan. This will help push you past that plateau. The body adapts and get used to certain things. When that is happening, that means it is time switch up the game.
  • ChayB
    ChayB Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you Kekeleeks, I'm going to spend a bit of time playing with the two apps today and see what I come up with, I was a bit worried about setting it to lightly active in case it gave me too many calories

    And yep it's been pretty much straight cardio, only started adding in something different this week and I'd like to try 5x5 at some point...