Tools of the trade

I am a returning member of MFP after taking a year hiatus to have my baby. I am back with 30 lbs to lose, and I thought I would post what my must-have tools are for any who are interested.

MFP is a very important tool! But you are reading this... so you already know that. If you do not track your calories in vs. calories out - being successful is so much more challenging! MFP also provides advice, encouragement, support, and accountability!

A heart rate monitor is a must! If you cannot afford to invest in this, please put it on your wish list for Christmas or your birthday -this is invaluable. I have always used the Polar brand, and currently have the Polar FT40. If you are currently logging your calories burned without using a heart rate monitor - you don't really know how many calories you are burning - you are using general guidelines. And you are not general! You are very specifically you! You should know how many calories YOU are burning! Go get that heart rate monitor! (Can I get some back-up on this, MFPers?)

A scale. This is where you have to really know yourself. I weigh myself every day. My scale is more motivating then any personal trainer. We have an understanding. My scale is honest. But I am determined to get it to say what I want. This works for me and motivates me. If seeing those numbers go up and down on the scale due to all the different daily nuances of water weight/dehydration/salt intake drives you insane - weighing yourself every day is not for you. If it makes you want to quit - weighing yourself every day is not for you. This is just what works for me. Many of you may find more motivation getting out that tape measure and tracking your progress that way instead. But the bottom line is that it is very important to track your progress!

Food scale. This is a must for everyone. If you are guess-timating your portions you could be off by a surprising number! If you've never weighed your food/beverages - do this and you will be amazed! Those who are very practiced at this will eventually be able to guess quite accurately. But if it's been awhile since you've measured, you may want to dust yourself off and check yourself. Our eyes tend to fool us... Think you know how much 3.5 oz of wine is?... You might be surprised...

Measuring cup. See above notes for food scale.

All of my tools come down to the same thing... Do not guess!!! These tools keep you from "fudging" on numbers and therefore makes your success predictable!

I hope you find this helpful! Please feel free to add to the list and tell everyone what works for you! Also, let me know if any of the above are as important to you as they are to me!

Best wishes,


  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    I think this is exactly right and the ONLY thing I want to add is "friends". Having MFP friends is an invaluable tool as they will keep you accountable also. If I am gone for a day or two, one of them will come looking for me. If I make a bad choice, they will tell me to pick myself up and make a better choice the next time. I can't do it without my MFPeeps!
  • nhendri
    nhendri Posts: 236 Member
    I Concer
  • Jelybe
    Jelybe Posts: 266 Member
    I would like to add good quality sneakers to my list - you have to be able to get up and go! There are few activities that don't require good shoes - with the exception of course of most martial arts, yoga, and pilates. If your shoes don't cut it - then you could potentially use that as an excuse to skip your workout. No one likes blisters! So get some good shoes and get moving! :smile:
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I would like to second, third and fourth the food scale. Mine costs 5.00, but is the most valuable item in my house. :wink: Not really but I want the drama to make my point. The first time I used it I was shocked at how wrong my guess was. My eyes have been lying to me for years. :laugh:
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I am gonna back you up on that heart rate monitor thing. I JUST got mine yesterday and already it is invaluable ... I have found out that the machine is ticking upwards of 60 calories more per session then I was actually burning. I am really happy. I also have a polar.

    The food scale ... I think my issue was not doing ENOUGH food before, now I am weighing out everything that is not pre packaged. It IS one of the other most important buys you will make.

    Also an actual scale v. a Wii scale ... I just wouldn't trust those things.

    Really good post (and yes, the MFP friends REALLY help tons!).
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Thanks for that :flowerforyou:

    The only thing i'm lackng is a HRM. I just can't afford a good one at the mo. But its on my wish list :bigsmile:
