What Exercise would Playing a Musical Instrument be under?

Hey guys, new to this site, so if something like this has already been posted, I'm very sorry.

I play Electric Bass Guitar. I sorta consider practicing at home on it somewhat of a physical exercise because I move around, dance around, and do the home "nobody's looking rock out thing" and I constantly break out in a full sweat when I play.

What kind of exercise could best categorize this?



  • blh_1010
    blh_1010 Posts: 284 Member
    I would put it under dancing general or something like that. Just a guess.
    Oh man nevermind! All I had to do was type in "guitar" instead of " bass" and I found the cardio activity "playing guitar, standing" and found it on here.

    Wow do I feel silly. :smile: Thanks anyhow.
  • tater8589
    If your ever curious what options are available under cardio, leave the line blank and hit search, everything pops up in (mostly) alphabetical order.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    It's casual activity-part of your daily allowance. You shouldn't be counting it at all.