sugar, who knew? aaahhhh!

I just can not believe how much SUGAR is in EVERYTHING!

I am always over in my sugar. Sugar is in practically everything.

I sure never knew this. Sugar is sneaky and evil.

What have you learned about food/nutrition since you've been on MFP?


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    I learned to read food lables before I put the food in my mouth, not afterwards and then have to ask my self. "Why did I eat that?"
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Sugar has NOTHING on's Everywhere!
  • Serowland
    Serowland Posts: 17 Member
    Also sugar has nothing on gluten! It's in everything and called about 200 different things! It takes me hours to grocery shop!
  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    Sugar has NOTHING on's Everywhere!
  • slimmingsiobhan
    Too true!

    Both sodium & salt are the evil pair that lurk in most foods on the shelves these days!

    I learned to manage my calories a whole lot more effectively - in the beginning I would eat rubbishy food, because I could and still be under but end the day feeling rubbish, slumped & hungry..Much better now I've started taking the GI index of foods into account, I rarely slump and feel much more satisfied with the food I am eating :-) xx
  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    Also sugar has nothing on gluten! It's in everything and called about 200 different things! It takes me hours to grocery shop!
    I feel for you, I have a cousin who is gluten AND dairy AND tree nut sensitive and I had to go shopping with him once and I realized how low-maintenance my little capsicum allergy is. Fortunately, as he's gotten older with help from shots, he's now able to have some nuts and a little bit of dairy, but still no gluten.
  • Bluddy
    I noticed how much difference there is inbetween the low fat/sugar and normal versions of the same product. I used to think it was just a selling gimmick and there was only a slight difference, i used to go for the normal products cause they tasted a tiny bit better, now i normally go for the lighter versions.
  • emersoam
    I've learned to stop keeping track of sugar in MFP, because it doesn't distinguish between good sugars (like fruit) and bad sugars (like candy)! I was going way over each day by eating my daily 3 servings of fruit!!!