
So....where to begin? I am obviously new to MFP but definitely NOT new to dieting or calorie counting or exercise for that matter! Very excited to be starting a new hopefully skinnier chapter in my life. Have a problem with the Yo-Yo...I gain it, I lose it, I gain it, I lose it...up...down...up...down...just recently packed on 20 pounds and decided it was time to start over. I signed up for a Weight Loss Challenge with a BFF of mine and we are both stubborn and competitive so this should be intersting! ;) Ok my main reason for this post was to find out:

DO ICED TEA AND CRYSTAL LIGHT count towards water intake?? I use Sweet-N-Low in my tea which has no calories. And Crystal Light has next to none as well. I can drink 2 quarts of Iced Tea in a day!! But I have a hard time drinking just plain WATER! :sick: So what is the verdict? PLEASE HELP!! :sad:


  • twnzmom
    twnzmom Posts: 182 Member
    Good question, I hope someone has the answer because I have a hard time drinking plain water as well at least for 8 glasses.
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    Hi flirty :) Welcome!

    Yes, I count the Crystal Light I drink toward my water intake; just don't forget to count those 5 calories as well!!
  • CelticDragon
    CelticDragon Posts: 66 Member
    Welcome! This site is wonderful and the people so supportive.

    I HATE water, and probably drink a gallon or more of iced tea a day. Although I have learned to drink water with my workouts, I still think it tastes terrible!

    I have heard that decaf drinks count towards your water intake, but not those with caffiene. I have had to drink decaf for years for medical reasons, so it's no biggie for me.

    You will hear many say that artificial sweeteners make you crave sweets. I have not found that to be true for myself. I too use sweet n low in my tea and have had no cravings. I guess it's an individual thing.
  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    The only things that don't count towards water are juices, milks (cow, goat, soy, almond etc.), and drinks that contain sugar, caffeine or sodium such as sodas.