Wisdom Teeth

So, I need some motivation and support on something unrelated to weightloss, but also kind of related.

I need my lower wisdom teeth removed. Badly. I'm 24 1/2, and I keep putting it off... besides the cost, I just plain hate the dentist. I've had so many teeth removed in my life, I despise the thought of doing it again. Even though it'll be better to have them out, and I'll probably lose a couple of pounds after the surgery, my knees get weak at the thought.

How was it for you? What did you eat afterwards?


  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Had all 4 out at once...... Personally wasn't bad at all, I had them pulled on a friday morning and ate soup (chicken noodle) and chocolate pudding cups for a couple days and by Monday was already eating pretty much my normal meals..... Best of Luck
  • JengaJess
    JengaJess Posts: 109 Member
    At around 20 or 21, I got all four removed at once. I didn't feel anything until about 3 hours post surgery. THEN I WAS IN SO MUCH PAIN.
    i've been in worse pain since so it's kind of hard to remember exactly how bad it was. The extreme pain only lasted for the first day post surgery. I couldn't eat much. I ate a lot of yogurt, cold shakes. Lots of liquids. I preferred cold stuff that day because my mouth was in so much pain. But for the following few days, I had some soup, soft pasta, mashed potatoes- anything soft and doesn't require too much chewing. I avoided food that needed to be chewed heavily until my stitches came out.
    Over all, it wasn't awful. Don't stress yourself out too much. But I wouldn't expect too much of a weight loss. Since you're only getting your lower ones out, you'll probably be able to eat normally after 2-3 days.
  • uncharted01
    uncharted01 Posts: 105 Member
    i think it varies greatly from person to person. i had all 4 of mine out at the same time and they were all impacted (under the gums) when they were pulled. i was miserable for about a week - i couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and was just in agony.

    having said that, if you need it done, i wouldn't wait. if they grow in wrong, it can mess with the rest of the teeth in your mouth and you'll end up needed more dental work down the road.

    good luck!
  • echoslug
    echoslug Posts: 73 Member
    I ended up loving getting my wisdom teeth out. I was 20, got all four removed at once and had to take a day off from work for it.

    The actually removal went smoothly - I choose to do conscious sedation as it was much, much cheaper and I have no memory of it whatsoever. I was in and out of the dentist in 90 minutes with enough Vicodin to drop a horse. I had very little swelling and no serious pain after the first 48 hours - and that was only if I forgot to take the pain reliever XD

    I was pretty much off the Vicodin in 4 days and off ibuprofen by the end of the week. I had very little swelling, no bruising and everything healed nicely. I was back at work the next day much to my bosses surprise.

    And now the reason I loved it: Smoothies, jello, ice cream and soup. Chewing is so overrated.

    EDIT: Also as far as costs go - see if there is a local dentistry school. I got mine removed there for 1/3 of the price quoted to me by my standard dentist. There were 3 final year students, and 2 supervising dentistry teachers. They did a beautiful job from start to finish.
  • deviant_illusion
    deviant_illusion Posts: 32 Member
    I had mine out at 16 and it was a breeze. I actually played ice hockey the next day. I had an oral surgeon do mine and was put out with general anesthesia so I think that helped a lot.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I had all 4 of mine out under general anaesthetic when I was 27 or 28, 2 of them were impacted. Cost wasn't an issue as I'm English...gotta love the NHS! I had to stay in hospital overnight as my blood pressure, which is low anyway, really dropped.

    I was fine the next day, and when the bruising came out after about 3 days I got some strong painkillers.

    I did end up getting an infection called dry sockets which was pretty painful, but that would've been avoided if they'd given me antibiotics straight away after the op.

    I ate yogurt, soup, mashed potato, that kind of thing.

    It was so worth having them out as I'd been suffering from infections for about 5 months and had been on antibiotics so many times.
  • cathy3457
    cathy3457 Posts: 24 Member
    I only had 3 and had them all removed at the same time. They put me out for it because they were sorta trapped above my other teeth. (too many teeth, not enough jaw lol) For me the pain and swelling were minimal. I think I ate well cooked oatmeal (on the watery side) for breakfast and tomato soup for lunch. I can't remember dinners. Probably more soup. They had given me the gigantic ibu profen pills but I ended up taking normal advil because I wasn't really in pain. (this was the case for my recent surgery too so maybe I don't process pain the same way as other people?) Wisdom teeth removal really wasn't half as bad as other people told me it would be, you'll be fine! Stack up some good movies, take the day off and spend the day relaxing! (or sleeping) I agree with uncharted01, sooner is better. You don't want them to cause any more trouble and make things more difficult down the road. The only thing that really bugged me was when the dissolving stitches started to come out. And it didn't hurt or itch or anything, I just found it annoying.