Last of the baby, clinging for life!

I only have about 5 pounds until I am at pre-pregnancy weight. With my first I was there by 6 months. Well, I am almost 6 months post baby and still with the 5 pounds that won't budge. I am breastfeeding, I log my food/caloric intake, and I exercise regularly. Could this be muscle mass? I must say I look way better now then I did after my first daughter. I have done, Ripped in 30 and completed it and now I am almost done with 30 day shred. I was working out 5 days a week, but dropped it to 3 and do light yoga on days off and I have started to jog, too. Ideas? THANKS! :)


  • jangier
    jangier Posts: 109 Member
    That is awesome if you look better - you should take that as a better accomplishment than any weight loss! Many congrats! I found with my 1st I was back at about 6 mnths, but flabby, with the second it took a good year before I was happy with how I looked and felt. I breastfed both as well and was ALWAYS hungry so definitely ate a bunch of calories especially with second, even with working out as well, and the weight just stuck. Based on what you are saying you are doing an awesome job and should be very happy! Many congrats Mama!!!!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    The last 5-10lbs are usually your breastfeeding supplies and probably won't go until after baby is fully weaned. So don't worry about them. They will probably come off later without any effort.
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 286 Member
    I just had a baby so I know how you feel but if you look better than before I wouldnt worry about those 5 pounds unless you wanna lose more than that. Awesome job!