How do you find time or energy to exercise when working full



  • I know how you feel, I was the same, I'm a mum of two, I work long days with commuting 3 hours a day. So I have got myself to get up early to do a fitness DVD then the best bit for me is I use my legs wherever possible as transport. So I run to the train station, either walk 2 miles to work witha friend (same in the evening) or run to work. I have actually got to the stage I love early mornings, especialy when I get to run past Buckingham Palace and Big ben when its quiet. It makes me feel like I own the place LOL!! I also tell myself I'm saving money from transport costs, doing my bit for the environment and come the evenings I can crash and burn. I've also found from all my walking I've got a lot less injuries this time. Sorry just re read that and noticed myself going off on one!!!:blushing:
  • Your energy will come as you continue to workout. I have full time job and 2 kids with a ton of homework and sports to go to. I had no choice but to get up at 5am and workout. Make sure you take a good multi-vitamin as well. I take Daily Extra by Vitalogic. They are awesome! There are so many natural options for you to increase energy. You can check out this place on line called Institue for Healthy Living. That's who I order all my stuff through and they ship for free. I've been into this morning workout routine for 2 months now and I have more energy....Bed earlier though.
  • Your energy will come as you continue to workout. I have full time job and 2 kids with a ton of homework and sports to go to. I had no choice but to get up at 5am and workout. Make sure you take a good multi-vitamin as well. I take Daily Extra by Vitalogic. They are awesome! There are so many natural options for you to increase energy. You can check out this place on line called Institue for Healthy Living. That's who I order all my stuff through and they ship for free. I've been into this morning workout routine for 2 months now and I have more energy....Bed earlier though.

    I couldn't remember the site. Here it is:

    oh, their fish oil is great too. Its the only one without the nasty fishy after taste or fish burps. No flavor going down. I've put both my kids on it.
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