New here

27 Male 5' 10" 154lb (33-34 waist).

A little over a year ago I weighed 180 lbs and most of it was fat. I work an office job and sit on my butt 8 hours a day. I played basketball and exercised but my diet was extremely poor because my ex-wife didn't cook and would complain when I tried to eat healthy.

Around the same time I filed for divorce but didnt stop the weight shed there...I started going to the gym at my work twice a day (mostly cardio). Stopped eating fast food and unhealthy stuff and quickly shed 30 lbs (less than 4 months). I have maintained this weight loss for over a year and continued to play basketball but never really picked up lifting weights. I plateaued on the weight loss / cardio and the little bit of stubborn fat wouldnt go away and the lack of muscle wasnt attractive, although i am thin (30 waist).

I started a weight lifting program in conjunction with playing basketball 4 times a week. I am trying to gain good weight as I have recently got pinched and my fat % was 16.6% .

So yea I joined this at the advice of the trainer at my gym to keep track of my calories and macros.