New member

Hi I'm Jen,

This year i've been working to better myself. One of the aspects i decided to change was my physical self. I started out this year 5''6.5', 175 and in a jean size 13-14. My grandfather had just died and i was going through a very difficult divorce and as you can tell packed on the pds.
it's september and when i started on this site over a week ago i was at 161. Now i'm already at 156.6, i've gone down almost 20pds this year and two pants sizes (9-10). i still have a way to go i want to be around 140.

thats about it i guess. i'm moving to cali soon so hopefully i can find some work out buddies.


  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Congrats on your success so far! That's some awesome progress.

    Stick with it and you'll see your goal soon enough,

    Katie (aka Kekibird)