People At The Gym Don't Count Calories



  • RamaAkyer
    RamaAkyer Posts: 94 Member
    They probably watch their eating or it could also be possible that they hit around near their goals whether it's cutting, bulking or maintaining, without counting. I mean I think i wouldn't do so bad, if i didn't use MFP.

    But MFP does make everything a lot easier :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I joined a gym about 5 weeks ago and I have been meeting people along the way. I always ask if they count calories and not a single person has said yes so far.

    I am not comfortable enough to ask them why not- but I wonder about it. Why are WE all counting calories yet the gym regulars not even worried about it?

    Not everyone goes to the gym because of weight loss goals. If your goal is weight loss then yeah you're going to have to watch your calorie intake.

    Also this...there's a lot more to hitting the gym and your fitness than just losing weight. I've been in maintenance for 9 months and my fitness regimen didn't really change for maintenance other than training for this rather than that or whatever...I continue to get my fitness on in maintenance.
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    Who cares what other people's do just do what works for you

    THIS with bells on.
  • DeeJayShank
    DeeJayShank Posts: 92 Member
    Even professional bodybuilders count calories. I am 13% body fat now, and I still count my calories.

    When you have a specific goal in mind, it's best to have a plan to get there. Counting calories is a plan that worked for me to go from 40% to 13% body fat, so now that I am shooting to get under 10%, I am continuing to count every day.

    Not everybody with good teeth brushes and flosses twice a day, either... but I don't think anyone would say that brushing and flossing are a waste of time!
  • GummyHuman
    GummyHuman Posts: 193 Member
    Who cares what other people's do just do what works for you

    For the same reason poor people want to know "habits of the wealthy", people who struggle with weight want to know what those damn fit people are doing.
  • I personally have found that keeping track of what I eat, weighing and measuring portions along with using my Track My Fitness when I run to be an eye opening experience. I notice that on most days I over eat and then some days I under eat, exercise less or more. So if they say they don't count they probably don't unless they are dieting. Anyhow, I need to track how much I am eating since I tend to overeat. Portions are huge these days and getting bigger.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I don't know who does or doesn't at my gym, but I do know one at my GYN office. My doctor. She has had an account on here for years and was delighted that I'm doing it too. And she looks great!
  • GummyHuman
    GummyHuman Posts: 193 Member
    I hope I can get to the point where I dont have to count calories anymore!! If you are surveying really fit, health conscience people - I am sure they know about how much nutrition they need to maintain and stay healthy and still have energy - no reason to count calories if you already have a healthy lifestyle and are at a healthy weight - Im new to this stuff so Ill be counting calories for a while. :-)

  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Perhaps you have met my husband. He bikes to work every day, goes to the gym a few times a week and takes his row bike out for ten mile treks on the weekends. He eats when he is hungry, if then. He often eats two or three pieces of fruit at night. He gets two servings of dinner and two servings of desert because he doesn't want to lose weight. He once watched me weigh my cereal, expressed shock that at the serving size, and promptly served himself three times as much. The only calories he knows anything about are the ones that are 1/1000th the size of the ones you and I care about.

    You will find that most people are not at the gym because they have a weight issue: they are at the gym because they want to be healthy and/or enjoy the time the spend there.
  • iyamrocky
    iyamrocky Posts: 3 Member
    I don't count calories. I monitor carbs and fat and protein.
  • DeeJayShank
    DeeJayShank Posts: 92 Member
    Even professional bodybuilders count calories. I am 13% body fat now, and I still count my calories.

    When you have a specific goal in mind, it's best to have a plan to get there. Counting calories is a plan that worked for me to go from 40% to 13% body fat, so now that I am shooting to get under 10%, I am continuing to count every day.

    Not everybody with good teeth brushes and flosses twice a day, either... but I don't think anyone would say that brushing and flossing are a waste of time!
  • Seabee74
    Seabee74 Posts: 314
    Sorry to say that if you Don't Know Why you are counting calories, maybe you should quit counting them :-( ..
  • mteuzi
    I workout 6 or 7 days out of the week, 9 to 10 sessions per week.... and I count everything. Keep with it, the combination of exercise and energy intake awareness (mindful eating) will get you to your goals faster and safer than any alternative.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    If you want to lose or gain weight and are not getting the results you want, then counting calories would be the first thing I'd suggest.

    But that doesn't mean that's the reason people are at the gym - plenty want to improve other aspects.

    Of course, yes, a lot of people would do better if they were counting calories.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Even professional bodybuilders count calories. I am 13% body fat now, and I still count my calories.

    That's a huge assumption. Some do and some have been at it so long that they eat the same things over and over knowing it works well for them.
  • just_Jennie1

    Some people count calories some people don't. I will count calories for a while and when I become to obsessed with it I will stop. It doesn't mean I stop weighing and measuring my food though, it just means that I don't spend the time to put every little item into a database.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I would guess it might be because counting calories is not really a natural activity, much the same as the shops being piled high with overly processed foods is not natural. People who have managed to maintain a relatively normal weight, and to keep their appetites and food choices in balance, do not need to count calories and are most likely more focused on other goals, such as improving their definition, strength, mood or simply keeping themselves healthy. The healthiest people I have met are those who have never counted calories, but rather have simply used common sense about what they are eating, and who follow their intuition on how much good and bad stuff to put into their bodies.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I go to the gym regularly...5+ days a week for 2 years. Before that, I used to run on my home treadmill.

    Do I count calories? Yes and no. I "track" calories most days of the week. I used to just keep a loose running tab in my head; lately, I have been tracking cals on MFP. Just to get a good idea how many cals I am actually eating. I also started logging food on MFP to meet my protein needs when I started strength-training.

    Do I care if I go over once in awhile? Not really. I think for a lot of people who go to the gym on a regular basis, it is a bit more complicated than just counting calories. I know I care LESS about calorie counting now that I started strength-training and focus more on protein intake.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    I joined a gym about 5 weeks ago and I have been meeting people along the way. I always ask if they count calories and not a single person has said yes so far.

    I am not comfortable enough to ask them why not- but I wonder about it. Why are WE all counting calories yet the gym regulars not even worried about it?

    5 weeks ago...middle of January...check with them in October a few of the opinions may change. By then, the regulars are sitting watching football and thinking of next year's resolution for January ;)
  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    I don't count calories. I just eat till my micros are met. :)