Looking for friends for support, tips, and any other help!

Hi...I have been on here for just over two weeks and so far I am loving it. I have made a couple of friends, but I really would like a larger support group. I find it helps hearing about other peoples problems, or just about their day in regards to food and exercise, stresses, ect. People with a similar goal to me are great but any are welcome.

I am here to lose a few lbs (20 actually) because I never lost my baby weight after my last daughter was born. But that is really only a small part of it...my main goal it to learn to be healthier so I can have more energy and keep up with my children and my very hectic life. I just want to enjoy life more and to do that I need to feel good about myself...that means my weight, but also just feeling good about what i am putting into my body and what I can get out of it through nutrition and fitness.
