Can't wait to sneak some food

WhiskeyBravo Posts: 92
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Since joining MFP I have broken some nasty habits.
1. Waiting for everyone to go to sleep so I could raid the kictchen of everything I deprived myself of during the day.
2. Getting fast food on my way home from work, eating it in the car before I got home and STILL eating dinner so no one would be the wiser
3. Eating honey buns and dunkin donuts on Sunday, just because it's Sunday
4. Feeling sorry for myself, when I did any combination of 1, 2, or 3 ( and surprised when I didn't lose weight)
Here's to dropping bad habits to drop pounds...
So have any of you dropped any bad habits?


  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I think the biggest habit I have dropped is drinking every night ... I am about to do a blog on that (when I get a chance to breathe) but drinking is a huge bad habit and lots of empty calories.

    I also used to drive thru and grab something quick ... almost every opportunity I got. I have cut that out.

    Making excuses as to why I can't go to the gym or why I had to cut my work out short.

    Thankfully I am too tired to get up and sleep eat (which is something I would do when I knew I had junk in the house).
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Since joining MFP I have broken some nasty habits.
    1. Waiting for everyone to go to sleep so I could raid the kictchen of everything I deprived myself of during the day.
    2. Getting fast food on my way home from work, eating it in the car before I got home and STILL eating dinner so no one would be the wiser
    3. Eating honey buns and dunkin donuts on Sunday, just because it's Sunday
    4. Feeling sorry for myself, when I did any combination of 1, 2, or 3 ( and surprised when I didn't lose weight)
    Here's to dropping bad habits to drop pounds...
    So have any of you dropped any bad habits?

    Oooh... so I'm not the only one who would eat fast food in the car and pretend I hadn't eaten already when I ate with everyone else. :embarassed:

    I've actually completely changed my eating habits over the last year - I no longer opt for the "easy" way out with processed foods/ pre-prepared foods - I now eat probably 90-95% non-processed foods and have re-established my habit of bringing lunch to work so that I don't have an excuse to go out and eat fast food (or the not-always-very-nutritious hot meal of the day in our cafe).

    I've also dropped the habit of regularly making myself a dessert (a batch of fudge, muffins, etc.) that is meant for multiple people (like, 12!) and eating it all over the space of a few days. This was so easy to do when I lived alone, because no one was around to notice. It helps that I live with other people now.

    I still struggle with it a little, but I mostly have broken the habit of eating when I'm bored. Now I get on MFP! :laugh:
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'm only at day two but so far, I'm keeping up my water drinking habit and not buying a Coke everyday. Not only am I saving myself from the added calories and HFCS but also the $1 I spent every time I bought one.


    Katie (aka Kekibird)
  • I have been trying to lose weight for about 6 months now, but did the same thing. My life revolved around fast food and junk food. Sunday afternoon I decided that those things have to change. I have given up fast food and given up junk food. I have been eating healthy and cant wait for it to actually pay off. Hope you're doing good on your journey!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Since joining MFP I have broken some nasty habits.
    1. Waiting for everyone to go to sleep so I could raid the kictchen of everything I deprived myself of during the day.
    2. Getting fast food on my way home from work, eating it in the car before I got home and STILL eating dinner so no one would be the wiser
    3. Eating honey buns and dunkin donuts on Sunday, just because it's Sunday
    4. Feeling sorry for myself, when I did any combination of 1, 2, or 3 ( and surprised when I didn't lose weight)
    Here's to dropping bad habits to drop pounds...
    So have any of you dropped any bad habits?

    Oooh... so I'm not the only one who would eat fast food in the car and pretend I hadn't eaten already when I ate with everyone else. :embarassed:

    I'm embarassed to say I did this too! :embarassed: :cry:

    I've broken the habit of going out to lunch - now I bring mine everyday!

    I've also done a pretty good job on stopping the cycle of eating my food + my fiances leftovers. Still working on this one... I have so much trouble seeing food go to waste, especially because we don't have a lot of money and food isn't cheap. It's like throwing away perfectly good money to me, so I'll eat the few bites of whatever he couldn't finish even though I'm stuffed from what I had on my own plate. :grumble:
  • JayneWilson1963
    JayneWilson1963 Posts: 543 Member
    I too have quit drinking at night since joining MFP. It's been the best thing I have ever done for myself!
  • RobinColyer
    RobinColyer Posts: 6 Member
    One of my nasty habits was stopping by starbucks every morning and getting a tall caramel mocha. I love coffee!!!! I also drank pepsi and sweet tea everyday. I am proud to say that I have cut out starbucks all together in the last month (have not had one) and since starting MPF (almost two weeks ago) have not had any sweet tea. I haven't eliminated soda completely but I have reduced it by 75% now. So I feel good....Im almost there.

    I also was a out to eat work lunch every day. This has been hard, because I would go out with coworkers, but I have cut back and most of the time bring my own lunch. I am trying to only go out once a week and figure out what Im going to order based on calories and protein before going.

    I also have cut back on snacking on junk food after dinner because I was bored. Now I exercise in the evenings and have no time to snack! :)
  • Thanks for sharing y'all; it's comforting to know that I wasn't the only one with "food secrets"'s even nicer to be able to admit it and to have actually done something about it....finally feel like I have some control over what goes and doesn't go in my mouth :)
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