I only have 1 MFP friend, add me!

Soooo I literally only have 1 MFP friend. One fitness pal. Please add me, I could use the motivation!

Background on me: I am 19, 5'6, and 142 lbs. Would love to be back under 130! I am a college student so there are plenty of moments of temptation but I am trying to get by the best I can! :)


  • sarahwilson12
    sarahwilson12 Posts: 70 Member
    Hey! I'll add you. I'm all for supporting & being supported :smile:

    Background: I'm 26, 5' 4.5". Currently 157.5 lbs & want to get to about 135 lbs or so.
  • amg394
    amg394 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you!!
  • Hey :)

    We all can you the support!!! hope you get lots of add:)

    college student as well 5'6 146 I need to go down to 130
  • Welcome!
  • PrintUSMC
    PrintUSMC Posts: 116 Member
    sent you a request. you got this
  • janettex0
    janettex0 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi my names Janette.. This is my second time trying MFP. The first time I lost 40 lbs but I gained it all back over the past year. So I'm here to get back to my goal weight. But it's be so much better and motivating if I had some fun new friends to keep me going!! :)

    I'm 19! Feel free to add and inspire eachother!!!!
  • I am 29 weight 158 would love to be 130 or 125.
    Would love to have some motivation
  • Taylorxxlynne
    Taylorxxlynne Posts: 210 Member
    Hi there!
    You can add me if you like! (and anybody else can too!)
    I'm 20, 5'4", 192 lbs, and wanting to get down to about 145.
  • Done!
  • Hello everyone I just started up my own bodybuilding/fitness channel on youtube and it would mean a lot to me if yall can subscribe to show your support!! Ill be making workout logs, training videos, advise on diet and training that's not based on "bro science", and ill be doing video responses for questions from subscribers also! I just posted my introduction to the channel video up, go check it out! http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteluW7hZ-eddCJ5ckf0Lcg