
Hi there,
I've been using mfp for a little while now
I feel like it helps but sadly i het some stressful job where i work 10 or more 6 days a week. I also have a lot of stress with a loved becoming disabled temporarily from a car accident.
I am in a bad place and I would love to be a part of the community and maybe make some new friends. Though ai also dont want to sit on computer posting in the forum.
Anyways I'm hoping to find some people here.

As far as weight goes, id like to lose some but I would be much happier just to get some better habits. I want to be more healthy in general.
I once played competitive sports for 25 hours or more a week, but because of life my team mates and i have gone our separate ways. Its been over 5 years since then and I want to get back in shape, sadly I am unable to return to this sport atm.


  • KalieHudson
    KalieHudson Posts: 307 Member
    Welcome! Making friends on here can really help keep you accountable and motivated. I have sent you a friend request so we can help support each other on our weight loss journeys. Also making friends with people who are having success will help give you ideas and meals and exercise that you can do. Anyone feel free to add me!