Ladies and insanity

I am on my 3rd week of insanity. The scale still the same, I was wondering, is this because I am eating too much? I can tell that I am getting in better shape than before. I did better in my second fit test.
Is there anyone on insanity?

I am 5,6
170 lb
27 yrs old
And eating 1700 calories a day

I would love to read your experiences.



  • Mistraal1981
    Mistraal1981 Posts: 453 Member
    In my opinion if you are losing weight through diet alone its about the numbers on a scale. If you are losing weight through diet and exercise then it becomes about numbers on your measuring tape.
  • Monty_P
    Monty_P Posts: 62 Member
    I'm on week 3 as well. I'm approx 167lbs and 5'8 and eating 1800 cals; and while I don't know if I've put on/lost weight, I've lost 4.5 inches so far - 2.5 of which are from my stomach. I've been ignoring the scale and focusing on measurements. So... take measurements! I think that's where you'll see the difference!
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    Insanity should come with a disclaimer that reads:

    DO NOT be discouraged if there is no weight loss in the FIRST month of this program. Your body is likely to take the first 5 weeks to adjust to your new strenuous exercise. Your body is likely to retain water for muscle repair and recovery causing there to be either no loss and in some cases slight gains. Please judge the success of this program with INCHES lost, NOT pounds.

    I can guarantee if you are busting your butt, eating a balanced diet your weight loss will look far more than what it actually is. I lost 10 pounds when I did Insanity last year, but it LOOKED like 30. No one sees the scale but me so I try to not put as much faith in that number as I do in the size of my jeans/pants!
  • kayveebee7
    kayveebee7 Posts: 127 Member
    Looks like we are all different, I am ending week three, not much measurement movement (some, my clothes fit better) but I am down 4 pounds (I also run in the morning though). I would give it another 2 weeks for our bodies to adjust to see more results. From what I understand, weightloss is not expected from Insanity. Loss in inches is the common reward I hear.

    Kudos for making it this far!
  • michellewelch2010
    michellewelch2010 Posts: 147 Member
    I am on week 5 of Insanity (behind by 1 workout due to a work trip yesterday which also led to a cheat day on my eating plan). The transition from the 1st to the 2nd month is EXTREME! I almost wish it were a 90 day program so that there was a step between the 1st month and the 2nd.

    Start Weight Day 1: 141
    Weight at Week 5 Day 5: 131

    Start Waist: 32
    Waist at Week 5 Day 5: 27.5

    Hips at Day 1: 40
    Hips at Week 5 Day 5: 37.5

    Chest at Day 1: 36
    Chest at Week 5 Day 5: 35

    It wasn't until week 4 I started to see the intense results. All my clothes are feeling looser, I feel awesome and I look forward to the workouts, despite yelling at Shawn T the entire time.

    I have paired the insanity with a low carb eating plan though. Despite the anti-low carb people on here, I know my body... And I know my body is happier when I am not eating sugar or starch... I eat as much lean protein and veggies as I can with a few servings of fruit and probiotics per day. I'm full and feel fantastic.
  • michelle_belle07
    The scale could be staying the same for many reasons: water weight, muscle gain, etc. I am doing Insanity too, and I haven't lost any weight either, but my clothes are starting to fit looser. Pay attention to how everything is fitting. That's the real test!
  • G123Girl
    Omg same about everything! I am on week 3 day 5 and I have gained 5 pounds. Sooooo frustrating!!! Same height and starting weight and caloric intake. I have been eating 50% carbs, 30% protein, and 20% fats. I am going to try to reduce my carbs to 40% and see if that makes a difference. Let me know if you come across anything that helps you
  • conleyk7
    Same results for me. I'm on week 8 and I've lost about 4 pounds from the entire workout so far. I definitely notice a difference in my strength and stamina. My clothes also fit better. I'm going to start a half marathon program when this is over so hopefully that will lean me out a bit!
  • Iriarte2014
    I guess I will keep trying and get a heart rate monitor. Thanks all :)
  • MeaganPTV
    Actually, Shaun T answered this question here :

    It could be water retaining :)