My name is Amy!

Hi! I'm Amy and I'm looking for a support system for my weight loss...(because I'm sure people on facebook don't want to hear about my weight struggles :embarassed: ) I'll be up front and straight forward...I'm an emotional eater and, SURPRISE, I'm about 50 lbs over weight! Keeping track of my diet, just on day one, is a huge eye opener! I would have thought I was pretty close to my calorie range and turns out I've already blown it by 700 calories. Wow! I really hope this helps me some how. Cause I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I'm 29 yrs old. My Mom died when I was 9 in a motorcycle accident. My Dad was a drinker and tried his best. My Grandma was a fantastic back up parent. My Dad committed suicide last December, one month before my baby boy was born. Four months later my Grandma also passed away from natural causes tho. Oh and my husband lost his job 3 weeks before my son was born. So in a nut shell, I hope everyone can understand why I turn to food for comfort. The last 20 lbs I've gained have been in the last 6 months or so. That's quite a bit of weight in a short amount of time.'s going to b a lot of work to get rid of it and become more healthy. Which really is my goal...just to get healthy so I can take good care of my baby!

So Thanks in advance for all your advice and support.


  • kathylamb
    kathylamb Posts: 5 Member
    that is so awesome. you are taking the first step and that is the most important one! Just do it, as they say! Yeah, I was amazed at all I was consuming when I really looked at my diet. Now I am super aware of all that I eat. What really helped me in the beginning was to really try not to cheat. When I saw the pounds start to drop off it inspired me to keep it up. Now if I go over my calorie limit I make sure I exercise. It all really helps. You can do this, and the payoff will be that you feel better about yourself, and have the energy you need to keep up with your child and do all you need to do in a day. Keep at it, and good luck!
  • davidhill6
    davidhill6 Posts: 1 Member
    :smile: my name is david that really help me:happy:
  • lilmom1
    WOW..girl you have been through it.....You are in the right place! Congrats on your baby! Good luck on your journey!
  • mollykay09
    Welcome to the site! Good luck on your journey! :happy:
  • amyjo519
    amyjo519 Posts: 72 Member
    Thank You all so much for your kind words!! I kinda feel bad for throwing all that out there like I did but it was a huge relief telling someone, anyone! I'm super excited about this site and my "journey." I hadn't quite thought about it that way, but I like it! Like the obnoxious Miley Cirus song...It's the CLIMB!! Hahaha
  • KelliB25
    Hi Amy! I am like you, an emotional eater. I have gone thru a lot in the past 5 years since my son was born emotionally which because of that I gained over 90 lbs from what I weighed before I had him!! I just found MFP about a week ago and I love it soo for it really makes you think about your eating habits!
    If you want to add me as a friend you are more than welcome to.
  • Kerry1023
    Hi Amy,

    First let me say I'm so sorry for all that you have been through....I too turned to food when "LIFE" happened over 6 years ago and now have 67lbs to lose. Hoping to be come healthy and active for my 5 year and old and looking for support and to give support. So far this website has been wonderful and like you said a REAL eye opener. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. I'd love to share this "journey" to a healhty life with others. Here's to the first step in reaching our goals.

  • nursmem
    nursmem Posts: 10 Member
    Hey Amy....I hear you! Welcome to MFP.... I, too, am an emotional eater and am on my way to getting healthy. You have had some major life happenings... and have hung in there. That's an accomplishment in itself.

    You have definately found the right site to help yourself get back. I have been on this site for only a few weeks and am hooked. I started my "get healthy journey" in June and this site has kept me on track. When I started I had 60+ lbs to lose and was getting frustrated and "bored" on my own...just counting calories.

    My best advise is to take it a day at a time and journal everything (on MFP). Good or bad....iit has helped me become aware of my eating habits. And... I have found that if I know I going to journal it...I think twice about what I eat.

    You will find what works for you...but know you have alot of people behind your corner. Take care and feel free to add me as a friend.
