just some motivation =)

nobody on here should give up. just some inspiration. but if you lose 10 pounds a month or even 8 (which doesn't seem like much but --->) then that's like 24-30 pounds in 3 months, which is 2 pounds a week. in which you have lost almost 30 pounds by december which will be totally worth it. And think about next summer. If your going for a large amount of weight loss then just think, by may that's 64 pounds. well worth it i should add. =) Everyone keep it up and stay healthy and never give up.


  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    AND going slower you are less likely to get saggy! :bigsmile:
  • french13
    french13 Posts: 41 Member
    haha agreed. I tried to lose weight the quick way once and my stomach looked like a sideways pizza because I didn't tone at all.