Sore from lifting!

So I just really started lifting weights (i dabbled before, but didn't really LIFT.) and my body is so sore! Are there any supplements I can take that help minimize soreness and speed recovery? (BCAAs, magnesium, etc.?)


  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    Muscle soreness is just part of the game. I don't think there is really much you can do to prevent it or fix it once it is there. Give it a couple of days and it will go away.

    Since you just started, it is probably worse now than it will be in the future.
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    Like others have mentioned, rest and proper nutrition for me. Nothing really you can take.

    If I am sore, the next day I like to do a light bodyweight routine for those areas, I find it helps. Just like if you're a runner, and the day after a race, it's good to go for a short run.
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    A nice hot soak would do some good. Hopefully your resting the body part that your tearing 3 days or more for starters.
  • S3r3knitty
    S3r3knitty Posts: 159 Member
    Ugh had the same happening when I started this year but it got so much better in the second week!!. Just keep doing it and your body will get used to it.
  • OverDoIt
    OverDoIt Posts: 332 Member
    Best intra workout bcaa's in this order that actually do help with DOMS.
    MTS Fuel
    Amino Fuel Twin Lab Liquid.
    Optimum 22222 Liquid amino.

    BCAA's do infact help not only with DOMS, but muscle recovery which we all know is when the real strength and changes occur.

    I have been training long enough to know the difference between doms and what we call "STUPID PUMP". That pump that stays with you for days. When you get that, you got the goods baby. Keep up the hard work and do not ever give up on your dreams.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Make sure you're stretching.
  • PhreePanda
    PhreePanda Posts: 22 Member
    That's normal for a week or so or when you start a new lifting routine even. Your body will get used to it. I've been lifting 3 months and still have kick butt workouts that leave me walking away like a drunk. Lol.. And cursing the stairs for days!
    Here's a few tips...
    Coffee before your workout helps reduce this.
    A hot bath or shower is good to relax muscles, but a cool bath or shower will speed recovery. An ice pack helps a ton!
    Aspirin or an anti inflammatory will help. Tweaking your diet to eliminate foods that cause inflammation will not only help weight loss, but will help muscle soreness.
    Warm up when you wake up with stretches, and a light walk or march in place.
    Save static stretches (held for 30-60 seconds) until before bed.
    And the biggest tip... Make sure you have recovery days and don't skip them! Listen to your body and energy signs.

    I hope some of these tips help.