Sat Fat Allowance

The whole time I have been with MFP, my daily goal of saturated fat has always been 15g, to lose a pound a week. This has never changed no matter how much exercise I did (which i always found kinda weird but i put it down to it being an unhealthy fat)

However, today I log my food and exercise in like normal and I realise it has given me a daily goal of 28g :/ I haven't changed any settings so can't think if this is just a fault or MFP have started to realise that saturated fat gets burnt off too. Anyone else having this issue recently?



  • LettyM62
    LettyM62 Posts: 130 Member
    Yes, the same thing happened to me today. My fiber settings have also been changed and it won't let me change them back to my original setting. I think this had to do with the web site maintenance from last night.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Thanks :) glad it's happening elsewhere, less likely to be a mistake. I like the change personally, staying under 15g can be really challenging, particularly when I do alot of exercise and need the extra calories/carbs etc but find myself trying to find the extra food with that but with virtually no saturates.
    If you'd like them changed back but MFP won't let you, I would just have to monitor the fiber more closely and try not to let it change much from the amounts it gave you previously, it would be helpful if they just gave you the option.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    The whole time I have been with MFP, my daily goal of saturated fat has always been 15g, to lose a pound a week. This has never changed no matter how much exercise I did (which i always found kinda weird but i put it down to it being an unhealthy fat)

    However, today I log my food and exercise in like normal and I realise it has given me a daily goal of 28g :/ I haven't changed any settings so can't think if this is just a fault or MFP have started to realise that saturated fat gets burnt off too. Anyone else having this issue recently?


    Saturated fat is not bad for you and it is not the enemy that people try to make it out to be. There is a lot of recent research to back up what I am saying.

    The low fat advocates (government, Big pharma, etc) try to put fear tactics into people....................

    After all, it is a natural occurring fat.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I have heard that in places but have never been 100% on just how good it is for you. I realise its in alot of basic essential foods such as milk, red meat and nuts even which are seen as really healthy, hence why it's so hard to stay below 15g. I suppose I just don't really want to risk it without knowing the full facts of things, one day you read something on how it's alright and the next you hear the complete opposite that too much is really bad for you and to stick to the "good fats" (I think the amount was 25g+ a day that isn't good.)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I have heard that in places but have never been 100% on just how good it is for you. I realise its in alot of basic essential foods such as milk, red meat and nuts even which are seen as really healthy, hence why it's so hard to stay below 15g. I suppose I just don't really want to risk it without knowing the full facts of things, one day you read something on how it's alright and the next you hear the complete opposite that too much is really bad for you and to stick to the "good fats" (I think the amount was 25g+ a day that isn't good.)

    I pretty much only use some type of saturated fat to cook and eat with. I use NO vegetable oils at all any longer and I use Olive Oil sparingly.................

    My oils of choice are rendered lard (boil a beef roast and let the water cool and skim the fat off the top), rendered bacon grease (has been filtered), butter, coconut oil and other tropical oils like red palm oil....................

    My cholesterol has dropped down to the point the doctor is now asking me to raise it a bit, which probably isn't going to happen. My HDL is higher than the range and my LDL is rock bottom and VLDL (which is the most dangerous) is very, very low....