Totally lost it!


I posted a few days back saying I had had a bad few days, now turned in to a bad week and am on day 7 of between 2500 and 3500. I know it's damaging all my hard work but I feel like I have lost control and I am totally ashamed of myself. I am wondering if I should just give up and don't feel like my 3 stone goal is even remotely possible anymore. I am a massive stress eater and have had a hard time this week and feel that by overeating I am only making things harder for myself.

Has anyone else ever gone through this? A plan I was really enjoying and doing really well on has suddenly become the hardest thing in the world and I don't know how to turn it around.


  • briniepoo
    briniepoo Posts: 73 Member
    Hey there, I know exactly how you feel. I went to a friends film night and totally binged and over ate. Its made me upset, but time to breath and start again. The first thing to do is look over what was the calorie goal and to see if an increase is needed. Breath in and out!
  • Yes, and my binges last longer than a week! I am back on track. Just relax. You can start over. Do something fun and motivating! If the weather is nice, go on a hike and enjoy the weather or to the park for a nice walk. Do things to de-stress. I have had a lot of stress and totally undid most of what I lost previously but I have decided to give it another go!
  • AMM160981
    AMM160981 Posts: 39 Member
    I went through a good three months of that this winter and I gained 10 of the 15 lbs I had worked so hard to get off. Its not worth it to start all over again. I stress eat too. The best thing for me to do is distract myself. For me, puzzles and keeping my hands busy and my attention somewhere else works like a charm. Going to work out is an obvious choice too. If these aren't options and you are just sitting there starring down a candy bar that you are about to massacre, give it to someone. If you know you are about to binge and someone you know is nearby, just give it to them. I have to call on my fiance all of the time to tell him to take things away from me or tell him to finish foods. If he isn't around, I am happy to give my coworkers food so I dont eat it. Its HARD. Eating for me is such a comfort and I KNOW that it gives me a short term feeling of relief from the stress but afterwards, and I am sure you know this, I am mad at myself and even more stressed than I was from the start. Oh and not to mention, I feel GROSS because I am stuffed full of bad food. Its a lot of discipline and a lot of learning to say no. This is the first week in a while where I have had some self control, but at any time I could fall off the wagon. Its a process. Don't beat yourself up about it but at the same time, dont give up. Especially since some part of you knows that stress eating is wrong, otherwise you would have never reached ourt on here. Just think about that and KNOW that somewhere in you is the control you need. You just gotta find it and wear it!!
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I am also a stress eater and have gone off course many times. DO NOT GIVE UP! I don't believe we can be addicted to food in the same way we can be addicted to drugs, but I believe we can be addicted to the act of eating as a comfort. Recovering addicts live by 'just for today...' So just for today, what can you do to take a step in the right direction? Can you say 'no' to one craving or one temptation? Every time you take a step in the right direction it gives you strength to take another. Keep moving forward, even if you take a couple of steps backward once in a while. Any forward progress is success!
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    Try this exercise.

    Sit down to your computer at 11:55 PM and load
    Stare at the amount of calories you are and the amount you are over.
    Wait until 12:00.
    Refresh the browser.
    Check the number again.
    You should see 0 calories down, 1200 available.

    Take a deep breath. A new day. A new count. Yesterday does not matter.