I have a problem.

I don't know what to do. I workout 2 to 3 x a week with my friend at the gym with the office membership. I can't use it on my own time BTW. I don't have the money for a gym membership till I sell my horse. The weather is crappy outside. How can I workout?? I gained a pound from eating chinise yesterday for lunch so what do I do??


  • If you have the internet there are free workouts on Youtube. Put in Leslie Sansone and she as a great walk at home video that is recommended by the American Heart Association and it burns a lot of calories. you can pick if you want to do 1.2.3,4 or 5 miles. Everyone I have recommended it to loves it. Try it and let me know.
  • SneakyWaff1es
    SneakyWaff1es Posts: 51 Member
    You didn't gain a pound in a day because of a little chinese food. That's extra water retention and whatever else. Creating a large enough calorie deficit to lose any real weight on working out alone is next to impossible unless you're spending a few hours every day working out. If your goal is to lose weight and to only lose weight, eat less. If your goal is to lose weight and increase fitness, eat less and exercise. There are a multitude of videos that you can do inside that are pretty great. Pick one. You can find just about all of them on youtube if you can't afford them.
  • shazbox1
    shazbox1 Posts: 175 Member
    Also, its very improbable that you gained a pound yesterday from eating chinese food. It is more likely some of the food you ate is still inside of you, or that you are retaining extra water from the high salt in the chinese food.

    Think about this: You weigh yourself, then drink a litre of water. You would then weight about 2 pounds more. Did you put on 2 pounds from drinking the water? Not really.