Need to stay motivated :(

I don't know if you are able to but can anyone check my diary and help me understand why I haven't lost any weight :( I did 3 days of healthy eating and exercise before I started recording everything and had to update my start weight which is why it says that I put on, which I haven't. I just haven't lost anything. :(


  • bjg2993
    bjg2993 Posts: 107
    Your diary isn't public.
    1. How long have you been dieting?
    2. Did you exercise before you started dieting?
    3. Do you weigh ingredients precisely?
    4. Do you log every single thing you consume, from all components of meals, drinks and alcohol?
  • BeckeeHumphreys
    It's public now, found the setting.
    I've always been fit and exercised but since I have started uni I have put on a stone and I wish to lose that again so I have started becoming active again and cut all of my junk food out again. And yes I record everything on to the diary, without fail.
  • bjg2993
    bjg2993 Posts: 107
    You aren't eating a lot considering you're exercising, try and eat more? Or it could be gaining muscle weight.

    Also try to weigh yourself in the morning once a week only, before you eat anything - water weight can cause a lot of fluctuation.

    Maybe invest in a measuring tape too, to see if you have lost anything inch-wise?

    Go see a doctor if in doubt.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Your intake seems a little low, especially if you're exercising as well. Check out

    and determine your BMR and TDEE. Then you can figure out a good # of calories to eat. You can not gain muscle weight while eating a caloric deficit. It could be that you're eating more than you think (if you're not weighing and measuring EVERYTHING...I'm talking right down to the ketchup on your burger!)

    How long have you been tracking?
  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member

    From looking at your diary I can tell you are not weighing your food. If this is the case get yourself a food scale for more accurate measures. I used to think I could easily tell that I was eating the right portions and when I got my food scale I realized I was incredibly wrong! So get a food scale first of all, especially considering the types of foods you eat are things that REALLY must be measured (pasta, fruits, veggies, and many other things). You might be underestimating what you are eating. Also, you are not drinking enough water, drink moreeeee water! And on Wednesday you ate A LOT of sodium so it could be that you are retaining water and it doesn't help the fact that you haven't been drinking enough water.

    Also, regarding exercise, do you have an HRM to measure the calories you burn (while doing cardio)? That could help you more in terms of accuracy as well.

    Hope this helps and hope you see more progress within the next weeks. Don't give up, if you get your food scale and notice that you were actually underestimating calories take it as a life lesson and just continue, we all learn something new every day.