I don't want to give up breastfeeding, but....



  • callmestephanie
    callmestephanie Posts: 90 Member
    I literally was about to make a post about this. I'm getting rather discouraged with my own weight loss while breastfeeding. I don't have advice since I'm having the same struggle... but I wanted to give you e-hugs and let you know I'm there with you.
  • Pinkdueces2
    Pinkdueces2 Posts: 48 Member
    I am currently breastfeeding my 10 week old and having a lot of success in weight loss. It is said that every ounce you feed your baby, you burn 20 calories. I am pumping so I know exactly how much milk I am expressing each day. I set mfp to eat 1200 calories per day (I am only 5'2, yours will depend on your own factors) and every ounce that I pump, I add 20 calories as cardio. Normally in a day, I get between 380-500 calories back so I can actually eat between 1580 calories-1700 calories. How many calories are you actually eating each day?
  • mishiwishi
    mishiwishi Posts: 1 Member
    I'm right along with you. I"m not going to give up breastfeeding (5 month old), but my body's so touchy if I don't keep up with the calories and I have to take fenugreek and eat brewers yeast every so often. I always hear my other friends rave about how breastfeeding helped them lose weight but with me it's no bueno. I weighed 169 when I had my baby 5 months ago, now I weigh 189.. I haven't really been dieting, but I don't think I've been eating like a linebacker. It majorly sucks. hugs sent.
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    I stayed chubby for the 18 months that I breast fed. I was just hungry all of the time, but I ate good nutritious food. When I stopped, the weight came right off. I was thinner than before. Another thing that happened, was my boobs shrank down from a 32 d (before pregnancy), to a 32 b. they were wrinkled and gross. If I laid on my back, they disappeared. I thought they were gone for good. Then about three years later, they came back. Weirdest thing. They look pretty good too.

    If you want to breast feed, hang in there. I take full credit for my son being so good at math; it was my sacrifice and patience. :smile: