Need to get clued up on Complex Carbs & Good Fat

Hi All,

So I am very new to MFP and have realised that my calorie intake at the moment is way too low (apparently starvation) so I want to introduce complex carbs (as I heard these are better than simple carbs) and good fats but I am not too clued up on what these exactly are....I could just google it but it's nicer to hear from the MFP community!



  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Some of my favorite carb sources include oatmeal, good quality bread, rice (any kind really), potatoes (both sweet and white), and any kind of fruit or veggies. Some people do need to limit their carbs for medical reasons, while many others do not. There's no way I could be as active as I am if I limited my carbs. Plus I'd be really cranky.:smile:

    Olive oil, peanut butter, other nut butters, nuts and seeds, and "fatty" fishes such as tuna and salmon are excellent sources of fat and some of my favorites. Dark chocolate too!