Motivation needed - so annoyed

scotslass Posts: 317
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support

Its taken me a month to face up to the fact that I have GAINED 10lbs in 3 months, I haven't been on this in a while, and in those 3 months life sure threw me some curve balls, me and my partner of 3 years and father of my son,split up, the reason behind us splitting, was one of my main causes of stuffing my face with any old crap i suppose, it was the easiest to prepare when feeling down and having an active nearly 2 year ld running around.

I was 12st 9 in June and on todays date I weigh in at 13stone embaressing

Well I started my exercising in the morning last week drinking 2 litres of water a day and eating well, I have now decided to keep me going and kick start my weight loss I'm going to set mini goals big goals sometihng for me to stay focused on, which i didnt have before.

I had to get this off my chest as I haven't really wanted to admit that i had gained 10lbs as i worked hard hard hard to get it off in the first place and i kept going on the scales willing it to move back down stupid eh? On a brighter note my mum took my measurements and i've only gained about an inch half and inch in some parts on my body :-)

Anyways thanks for listening, I know i cna post this on here without people saying you gained what!! what have you done wrong!



  • andrewajm
    andrewajm Posts: 18 Member
    sorry to hear things have been rough your a beautiful woman and honestly your great the way you are but if your not cool with it then you hang in there and lose that weight you want to lose we all struggle at times but dont blame yourself for the split..if a dude leaves you for something so superficiual then hes a prick..your better on your will get there and we can all do this together..ill be there for ya and you can do it...things will get better you will feel better and look like you want to and your confidence will soar...hugs and dont give up on yourself your worth the effort..take care
  • andrewajm
    andrewajm Posts: 18 Member
    ps i just saww your weight and most guys would love to have you on there ..see ya
  • Thank you so much for taking the time to reply it means alot :-) I must say i was choked up when i read your post, thank you so much for your kind words they made me smile from ear to ear, I love the fact there is so much support on here it picks you up when your at your lowest :-)

    Thank you again :-)
  • Wendybirduk
    Wendybirduk Posts: 92 Member
    Hey Lynsey!

    Don't you panic too much about gaining a little. It happens! I was like you and denied the fact that I had gained weight by avoiding the scales. When I finally decided to weigh myself I was al the heaviest I have ever been in my life! (maybe it's a scottish thing lol)

    You have been through a lot of rough stuff and now you are ready to start losing those couple of pounds that are annoying you (you already lost a good few useless stone when that idiot of an ex-partner left lol). We are all here for you and whenever you feel like having a rant or a grumble just GO FOR IT!

    You can do it hun! (and I agree with Andrew - you are a stunning looking woman! You just need to feel that in yourself)
  • You know what - you've done the bit that is hard - you've got through the emotional bit and worked out that you want to sort it out for you - that's huge!
    You know you can do this and you know what you are able to do - maybe a few more DVDs at home now if your partner is not there to look after your son whilst you're at the gym, but loads of people on here do them, myself included, and they work too!
    Good luck with your journey and don't give yourself a hard time - 10lbs is only a number, get to where you want to be bit by bit (I set goals for a month or three months at a time - and I weigh in once or twice a month otherwise I get a bit obsessed!!).
    Have fun getting there :flowerforyou:
  • It has a way of creeping up on us. I let down my guard too and the same thing happened. I always excercise but it is 80% diet. People don't get that. keep it p I am on day 7 of clean eating and feel better than I have in a while. Trying to avoid the scale and just enjoying feeling more energetic and good overall - in the long run thats what counts the most
  • One thing you must remember is that "life" will always find away to temporarily knock us down. As long as we pick ourselves back up, we will be fine in the end. You have overcome your emotional battles, which was the hardest part. 10lbs is just a number, so dont beat yourself up over it. You lost it before, you can lose it again! And we are all here when you need that extra support. Good Luck on reaching the goals you have set for yourself.
  • Thank you to all of you for replying to my post, i had a little cry not of sadness but happiness its just so lvoely hearing supportive messages when all ive done is gvie myself such a hard time for my gain,

    well this is day one of the new me im going to shift this weight by xmas my first mini goal will be

    !3 st 1 by 1/10/10 :-)

    lyns xx
  • Thats the spirit we are looking for.... keep it up!!!! :happy:
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