adjusting to a desk job

Hello all!

I didn't do much here the first time around. I was an aquatics director for a YMCA and had a ton of activity between teaching swim lessons, water aerobics and swim team. It was a fun job, but the hours were grueling and it was a long commute. I was quickly burning out and I needed to be able to be home at a decent time and have weekends free to be with my family.

So, almost a year ago, I got a great job at a large medical practice. I have much better hours, a ridiculously short commute and a little bit better pay. YAY! But, I have had 3 rounds of prednisone this year thanks to an allergic reaction and recurring sinus infections. I also had major sinus surgery. I was already about 20 lbs more than I wanted to be when I started the new job and now I have added 20 MORE lbs! I was so used to naturally getting activity in with my job. Now I HAVE to schedule it in.

My 43rd birthday is this Sunday and I figure it's about time I get my stuff together!!! I don't want to have the health issues my mother has had due to her weight and I want to inspire my boys and hubby to be healthier as well.

I am tracking my food and started taking walks at lunch to get some activity in. But I just have practically NO DRIVE after work to get in a workout. My hubby will only come (kicking and screaming) to the gym with me for about 30 mins and he's done and want's to leave. I have a tendency to want to stay an hour or more. (If I'm gonna go, I might as well make the most of it right?) My teenage boys aren't very motivated either. So, it's all up to me.

Oh yes, and I also had a cortisone shot this week in my shoulder for tendinitis. So, no weight lifting for me for a while either.

Wow! This has become quite the long introduction! The long and the short of it, is that I'm looking for some support and assistance in finding ways I can get some good, short workouts in so that they won't seem so daunting and maybe I can pull my family in with me too.

If you would like to join me in this journey, please friend me! THANKS!