Hi everyone!

Hi everyone. My name is Erica, and this is definitely not my first weight loss journey. I have been yo-yo dieting since I was 8. Yes, 8. I remember my mother telling me that if I would lose 10 lbs, then she would buy me a bicycle. Kind of counterintuitive, eh? Well, turns out that a lot of things I've done on my journey have been; I won't list them here because I don't want to start any arguments about if x fad is/was good or not. I do call it a journey, though, because it's what got me to this place where I made the decision to change my ways. After a heartbreaking loss last summer, I fell into a deep depression, and I am now at the heaviest I have ever been--330 lbs. I am married to a great man, and I want to have a long life with my husband and be a mother someday. That's why I'm making these changes.

I've already met a few people on MFP, but I could use supportive friends as we change our lifestyles together. Feel free to send me a friend invite, but not if the occasional curse word bothers you. LOL
