20 something with 100 something to lose?


My name is Kiara and I have a LONG way to go. It would really help to havesome friends my age with a similar goal.. but it would help to have friends who are on a journey at all. My friends and family are either happy with thier weigt or not needing to lose.

Im nice I swear :)


  • KrissyRawrz
    KrissyRawrz Posts: 342 Member
    Hey! :) I sound in the same boat as you, I'll send over a friend request
  • Reconstruction_Li
    Reconstruction_Li Posts: 10 Member
    You can do it!!! I am 26 and learning about how important portions and water throughout the day is. 2 glasses when you wake up to help activate your organs. 1 glass before you eat any meal, 1, before a shower helps lower blood pressure, 1 before bed helps avoids strokes and heart attacks!!!

    Be honest about what you record and if theres nothing to do, work out! Even if its just ten jumping jacks, the work out you regret the most is the one you didnt do!!!
  • slimjame
    slimjame Posts: 128 Member
    Hello :), I'm Jamie. I'm 21 years old and I started my weight-loss journey a little less than 7 months ago. I started at 271lbs with a goal to lose 140lbs. At first it felt pretty hopeless and like it would take forever - I wasn't very motivated. Now, 7 months later, I have lost 73.5lbs and weigh 197.5lbs; only 68 more pounds to go!! I love MFP and the support and friendships that can be made here. Feel free to add me :).