Looking for someone like me for support

thedeepblue Posts: 20
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi. I am Danielle, I am 41, 5'4", and 175 pounds. I have two fulltime jobs, a son who is 10 and a son who is a freshman in college. I am married. I would like to get down to 140 pounds. My normal body weight ,up until last year, was between 145 and 155. I had a total hysterectomy last September and my weight started climbing ever since.

Nothing fits and its embarassing. My sisters are skinnier, my co workers are skinnier, no one checks me out anymore, I have become the smart one - instead of the pretty and smart one. We have a small office and my boss introduced me and the other woman in the office to a friend as "here is Kelly and Danielle, the beauty (kelly) and the brains (me)."

I know that there are people who are worse off than me. I am hoping to find someone who feels the same way I do, so that we can provide eachother support and motivation.

Thanks Danielle

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  • Anyone...
  • k8ieP
    k8ieP Posts: 54
    I certainly get what you mean. I am 5'1" and 136 but my normal weight is 118 or so. I have got to get back down there. I can't wear any of my clothes and every morning when I get dressed I am constantly reminded of my weight gain. I feel unattractive and lazy. I have been working out for two months with no weight loss. Just a few inches from my arms and legs. I feel like there must be a way to loose weight from the middle but that it is some kind of well kept secret...
    Anyway, I like to work out once I am in the gym but I never feel like going. I have been making myself aim for every other day but don't always make it. I am tired of feeling ugly and unhealthy. I know it's not like I need to lose 100lbs or something but it just sucks that this is not my normal weight and despite eating healthy there seems to be no improvement.
    The only thing I can say is that it takes time. You feel horrible the first week in the gym and counting all of your calories but over a few months it will help. The main thing is that you start to feel better. If you feel better it is because you are better.
    The best advice I can give is to stay away from the scale for at least two weeks at a time or you will really lose it.
    Good luck.
  • I can relate, Im 5'5" and in high school I was 180, got down to 130...and over the years my weight climbed slowly back up to 180 again. Then...I got pregnant. So on top of being 180 I put on about 40-50 pounds while I was pregnant.

    But anyways I hate being the fat one! Everyone around me seems to be so much skinner, Im totally lacking confidence. I dont get that "look" from guys anymore either. Its embarassing seeing people I havent ran into in a few years! Anyways, Im looking for people to help motivate me, and Ill do the same for you, add me if you want :) I got about 90 pounds to go!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I started a thread in the success stories board called weightloss/fitness buddies. You can sign up, and I'm going to be assigning people buddies in one or two days.
  • Try to stay positive, and not get down on yourself!

    I know that's pretty obvious and generic, but DO remember that your gain is probably connected to the hormonal shift.
    DO cut yourself slack for sprinting the race that most women get to walk, and don't hold yourself rigidly to the same standards as women who have not had these experiences.

    KatieP gave good advice--sometimes I give up because it seems to daunting. Remember to take baby steps! Set realistic and achievable goals. In doing so, you also decrease the time it takes to get results and rewards.

    More specifically--and this is just what I've read on the web--androgens are usually the culprit behind post-hysterectomy weight gain around the middle. Generally, though, eating monounsaturated fatty acids (or MOOFAH! as I call it) with every meal is supposed to decrease the chub around one's middle.
  • CHeMoTaCTiC
    CHeMoTaCTiC Posts: 41 Member
    I invested in a gym-quality machine (concept 2 rowing machine) to put in my basement so I had no excuse to give myself anymore. If you can afford it, remove all barriers to exercise (i.e., going to the gym...). Then you have no excuse NOT to exercise every other day. It worked for me and now that I have an expensive machine sitting in the house I feel guilty when I'm not using it. I went from zero exercise to 5-6 days / week.
  • Thanks for all the great advice. I need the encouragement. I need people to say positive things. That's what motivates me.
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