
OK, so many people I know are doing these juice cleanses or detoxing or whatever. So give me the pro's and con's. Does it help things like weight loss, digestion, skin tone, hair, nails, etc.

Also, for those who have or are doing this what are some good sites to get recipes.

I have a formal event at the end of April & the beginning of June so obviously I'm looking to get toned and sexy for that as well as losing weight and toning up for health reasons. I did consider doing a juice cleanse maybe the week before each event but I also love food and don't want to look gaunt either.

Any help or info would be great.


  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Here is a very helpful link to answer this question:

  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    Personally I don't drink juices often - they are just too calorie dense to be worthwhile for me. When else would you sit down and consume 6-8 oranges or other fruits??? If you want to look fabulous for the summer, then I would concentrate on what helps you to lose weight rather than a detox which has questionable benefits! Sorry!!
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    Here is a very helpful link to answer this question:


    thanks... didn't see that so will def give that a good look through when I've got some time
  • djflowerz
    djflowerz Posts: 23 Member
    I tend to avoid juices as they are high-calorie and lack fiber. Fiber is filling plus it may have added benefits in helping us metabolize fruit sugars. So I would rather make a smoothie in my blender that has bits of pulp and green goo in it than just drink the juice. Humans didn't evolve with high-powered juicers. Then again we didn't evolve with blenders either, but the point is that a juicer is unique in removing the fruit/veg sugars from their surrounding fibers.
    I do think liquids like water, tea, bone broth, kombucha, etc. are helpful to add to one's diet.
    When I want to do a detox I just try to eat raw and vegan for a few days.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Choose a plan you believe you can stick to most of the time and go with that. Juicing won't give you any benefits, and if done improperly, may adversely affect things like your skin and nails.
  • donohuge
    When done obsessively I think juicing might be the quickest way to become insulin resistant in sedentary populations. Taking in tonnes of fructose in a liquid form that won't make you feel full = no different to a can of coke and taking a multivitamin