not losing weight

I work out 5 days a week for 45 minutes each day. I do about 75 minutes a week of strength training, 30 minutes of core training and 120 minutes in cardio. I am staying within my calorie intake and still not losing. Any suggestions?


  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    What's your weight?

    What's your calorie intake?
  • MMarcordes
    MMarcordes Posts: 58 Member
    More cardio, more cardio, more cardio. The bottom line is the more you get your heartrate up, the more calories you burn. Maybe you just need to change up your workouts a bit. Do three days a week of intense cardio for 40 minutes, then 2 days a week can be light cardio (20 minutes or so) with strength training. Sometimes, if you just change up your routine a bit, it helps jump start the weight loss. Good luck!
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    make sure you are eating your base calorie amount and eat at least half if not all of your exercise calories. sounds strange but it does work! i was not and was not losing weight. this week i have been eating almost all of my calories plus about half to 3/4 of my exercise calories and i am losing weight!
  • Andre_Demers
    My questions are. How much do you want to lose? Do you measure yourself? And if yes have you noticed a change there? It's important to see a change somewhere, weight, size or physical abilities. :)
  • pxgabriel
    In June I lost 2.4 lbs, in july i lost 2.8 lbs, in aug I lost .8 lbs and so far in September I have lost 4 lbs. The only thing different is this month before each meal I eat an apple and I drink 2 cups of water. I track everything I eat good or bad. I have quit drinking diet pepsi and only drink water with lemon juice. (minute maid lemon juice in the box, in the frozen juice dept is the best). Thats my suggestion.
  • pxgabriel
    Listen to the podcast cut the fat on itunes, it has helped me tremendously. They are very sensible and scientific. Just a suggestion.
  • nikkishai
    nikkishai Posts: 407 Member
    I'm wondering if you're building muscle while shedding fat (since muscle weighs more than fat). But I agree with Andre, have you lost inches or do your clothes feel looser? I weighted myself this morning and I actually gained a lb, but I'm one notch smaller in my belt.
  • pxgabriel
    Oh, and I work out twice a day. In the morning I do weights, or yoga, or muscle ball. At night I go to the pool (due to ankle injury) and do something in the pool for an hour (aerobics, water walk, tread water) and I walk the dog 1 mile every day (mainly because she won't leave me alone unless I do).
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    How much do you weight, how much is your calorie goal, how much do you eat, how much are you looking to lose, and for how long have you experienced this plateau?
    It's pretty much impossible to give any educated guesses without that info.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    how long have you been doing this? Many people expect results immediatly. Must remember the weight didn't come on over night and it won't come off over night either. it takes 6 week for your body to adjust.
  • Mamasota
    Are you losing inches? With your exercise program, you may be putting on lean muscle in place of fat. You could be losing fat. This is probably a stage in your weight loss journey. You can try upping your daily calories slightly to increase your metabolism or try varying your calorie intake. If you are eating 1200 calories a day, that's 8400 each week. Instead of 1200 a day, divide the calories up so that some days you are eating less and at least two days a week you are eating much more - 900 on Monday, 1200 on Tuesday, 1500 on Wednesday, etc. I don't know why this works, but I have seen it work for many people who were trying to get off of a plateau. One of my friends had an 1800 calorie day each week. At the end of the week, you will still eat the same number of calories.