
Hey my name is Kaitlyn. I am in high school and I weight 264 lbs and I'm trying to get into the 160's. I have no clue what got into me, but I have become what my family calls me "A Health Nut" because everything anyone eats I'm that person that is like that's not good for you. My family is some what adjusting to it, but I know they are hating it and don't want to tell me anything. I have battled with my weight my whole life and my Senior year is right around that corner and I want to walk into school the first day and I want people to be like is that Kaitlyn. I am the shy girl that sits in the bad of class and stays to herself, because I am insecure about my weight. I have friends that are helping me to lose the weight, but I just want people to look at me and say WOW she is gorgeous. This is not the first time that I have tried to lose weight, but this is the first time that I really have expressed how I fell about my weight.


  • clfhanger
    clfhanger Posts: 14 Member
    Welcome Kaitlyn :)
  • acarrillo2012
    acarrillo2012 Posts: 34 Member
    It is really brave of you to put all that into words. You can do this!!!
  • brownkse
    brownkse Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Kaitlyn!
    Good luck with your goals, my ultimate weight goal is the same as yours! I have been overweight for as long as I can remember and while I have tried mfp before I am determined to stick with it this time! I am sure you are a gorgeous girl, but I know how it feels to want to lose weight so that you feel good about it. I'd love to become friends on here to maybe keep each other working towards our goal! Good Luck!! :)
  • Sometimes the first step is the hardest sweetie, so congrats for getting this far. If you believe you can do this, you can. Feel free to add me, be glad to help you any way i can