Wii Fit Plus

I just purchased the WII Fit Plus. The calories your burn are they accurate?


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Not even close to what my HRM says, the problem is it uses a general calc based on your weight and what it thinks you should burn, it doesnt take into account your actual heart rate which is what it would need to be accurate.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    But I do love the snow ball fight and the Golf Driving range :smile:
  • mindymoe1
    i have one as well. its close but like when i run it cant calculate my heart rate so its really just a general guideline. its always good to under estimate your calories lost bc whats the worst that could happen? you loose more weight lol si if i burned 120 cal doing the wii hula hoop but im doing it very fast and really working it i might have actually burned 135. it is tons of fun and i hope you enjoy it
  • mindymoe1
    so is it alot less than what your HRM says?
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    But I do love the snow ball fight and the Golf Driving range :smile:

    Snowball fight is a blast!!!!!

    I love the super hula hoop. I burn calories like crazy with that! (according to my HRM)
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    Im not sure about the actual calories either but it does make fitness fun! I love the yoga and strength exercises!
  • precioustypeoflove
    love my wii fit i so love the boxing and the island cycling!! good luck
  • Steelytop
    Steelytop Posts: 145 Member
    The Wii Fit Plus doesn't clock that many calories. I certainly don't think it's over-clocking. What seemed to clock a bunch of calories burned was MFP's website information for that. But i've learned not to rely on that. An HRM works for people who acclimate to it well. Some people even have negative effects from it by kind've wigging out if their heart rate goes up and causing it to go higher. Some just prefer a more natural approach.

    At first, a Wii Fit Plus is all I had so I used it. I was probably burning HALF of what MFP said. I think Wii is perfect for someone who isn't going to a gym daily yet. Or perhaps can't fit that into their busy schedule.

    Doesn't matter if it's exactly perfect or not. Any physical activity is better than no activity. My wife enjoys using the Wii Fit Plus and is losing weight just fine. I prefer the Elliptical trainer for my exercise because it's so low impact and I can just put on my mp3 player and go for an hour or so. But you could do the same thing with the Wii Fit Plus on certain activities.

    I mostly did Wii sports tennis and then the Wii Fit Plus activities for aerobics.
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    I like the way the Wii Fit tracks fitness data.

    The only results I saw from it where posture and balance. I got bored with the exercises. I got the EA Sports Active for Wii. It focuses more on cardio and strength training.

    I try to do 20-30 mins of Yoga with Wii Fit in the morning and 25-35 of Sports Active in the evening. I didnt have much success until I started paying much more attention to my diet.
  • BradMFP
    I use the Wii Sports that came with the Wii and it's a blast. I bowl to warm up and then play tennis for a total of about 30 - 45 minutes. Where the is any down time I do jumping jacks. I know It's been the single biggest cause of my weight lose.

    I agree, it's all about getting your heart pumping. When I started I was out of breath in the first minute. Now I don't even notice it. In fact I enjoy getting my heart rate up.

    I think it IS accurate if you do a few extra movements during any down time.
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    The boxing is my fav too!