Nearing 100 pounds lost...

Hey all!

Figured I'd say hello. I started this Journey last July; got 'serious' about it in late August. Started at 331 pounds, weighed in at 240 this morning. So excited to break through 230, likely at the end of March. 100 pounds in 8 months! I had no idea I was ever capable of that!

Thanks for the inspiration!


  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    I'm so jealous! Great job though! Any tips?
  • I'm so jealous! Great job though! Any tips?

    The biggest tip I have is to write it all down, weigh in often and don't skip recording everything. Even if it's a so called "cheat day", write down what you are even if it was above your limit for the day. You'll be amazed how well that keeps you in check. Be accountable to yourself. Even if it's one cookie; put it in your journal (or MFP app). That's helped me a lot.

    Another thing that's helped me, although it's kind of mean, is to stop sugar coating everything. I'm not "a bigger guy", I'm unhealthy and overweight. It's not "cheating a little", it's over-eating, etc. etc.

    If I can do it you can do it! Cliche I know but it's true. Once you decide to really lose weight, stop making excuses and recognize that what you take in affects how much you weigh; you'll have great success. At least, that's what it took for me! You might be different, but that's me.