quick question for you folks!

would you think that 10 min intervals on elptical for 30 sec sprint 30 slow pace on say a 15 -20 resistance would be more effective for metabolic fat burning then say a 2 mile run @ a steady state would be just wanna get input i really hate running for 20 min straight to burn the same amount of cals i could be burning in 10 min doing sprint intervals on the elip


  • OkamiLavande
    OkamiLavande Posts: 336 Member
    As long as you add a warm up and cool down with the elliptical, I think it's a better choice, and can be more fun. It's easier to push yourself to try harder on an elliptical, plus it will give you better aerobic respiration later on so elliptical. Interval training is better than static cardio.
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    I personally find that when I do steady cardio I lose fat faster than if I would burn same amount of cals doing intervals. I did make sure that both burns same amount of cals according to my heart rate. But there is difference on my body. And even if HIIT is supposed to have that after burn metabolism effect I just find that to be nonsense for me personally.
    Anyhow, I do not believe that there is THE best way. Interval training is not better that steady cardio or vice versa. Our bodies work differently for each of us. The best you can do it to try it and then see what gives the best results for YOU.
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    I've heard intervals are more effective than steady paced cardio workouts.