Trying hard but losing motivation

Hi all,
It is the first time i have used the forum and have come back to fitness pal after about a year as i am determined to lose around 70lbs in total to put me in the healthy bracket. I started really well in the first couple of weeks and lost about 5lbs, but the last week i seem to have gained a couple of pounds even though i have been really good and have been going to exercise classes five times a week. I have just found it really disheartening. I am trying to tell myself that it is because i am gaining muscle but it is sometimes hard to keep the motivation up. Can anyone give me any advice how to kick start the weight loss again.


  • kkmalay
    kkmalay Posts: 88 Member
    hi there, I remember the first 5 pounds or so come off really quickly then things start to slow a bit, 'gaining' can be to do with hormones and salty meals, irregular bowels etc too Just keep going, take one day at a time, maybe take a few days off exercising and come back to it, you will still lose weight just keeping to your calories alone. You can do this, just log one day at a time and be kind to yourself, and PROUD of yourself that you are even here, all the best on your journey :)
  • weight will fluctuate, keep at it. try adding friends and lose with them, use Facebook, post results and you'll be surprised how many will get behind your efforts and keep you going.
  • lisatrish
    lisatrish Posts: 123 Member
    Don't worry - if you are still eating right and exercising this is not something to worry about. Focus on how your clothes are fitting - are they tighter, fitting the same or looser. The scale can be a fickle SOB sometimes. I started back 5 weeks ago with exercising & tracking regularly - I lost 5 lbs in the first two weeks then bam stalled out and did not lose anything for two weeks straight but I did notice my clothes were fitting better. Then boom week five I lost two pounds! Friend me if you'd like.
  • jabu12345
    jabu12345 Posts: 42 Member
    Like anything, patience has been working for me. No crash, quick fix will do. I try to log everything, even when I cheat a little. Like many of us, I started gaining weight at about 5-10 lbs a year. Until it finally hits us and we do something about it. So with that said, my goal is to LOSE 5-10 lbs a year. It is a life style and a life long change in habits that equal success.

    Good luck and look long term instead of week to week.
  • lambchoplewis1
    lambchoplewis1 Posts: 156 Member
    KeepT it!! Easier said than done I know. I lost, maintained and then stopped logging diligently and gained back about 10% of what I lost. I am back on track but it seems so slow or no loss. However, it took 6 months to gain it so why do I expect to lose it overnight!! My mind knows this but my heart wants different. I am keeping with it as spring is right around the corner and I am not buying new clothes for summer.
  • glowgirl14
    glowgirl14 Posts: 200 Member
    I agree with the others. Consistency is the key to success. About 15lbs ago, my weight stopped coming off...I would do like you're doing - eat better for a couple of weeks, and when the weight loss stalled, I'd stop again. But the friends I made here kept encouraging me to keep at it..and then the weight started coming off. If you're eating at a deficit, you'll eventually lose.

    Re: "gaining muscle" - you can't gain muscle while eating at a deficit. If you're exercising, your muscles are likely retaining water while they heal. This will go away. It can take anywhere from a few days to 3 weeks, but it will go away. :)

    Just be sure you're weighing everything you put in your mouth, and logging everything. The weight will come off. :)
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    Why are you trying to lose weight? For yourself, your significant other, kids? When you start to lose motivation you need to reconnect with why you started in the first place.

    As far as progress is concerned, it's best to stay disconnected and analytical. Don't take it as defeat or personal failure. Note what you are eating and how you are exercising. Confirm that the data you are collecting is corrected (weighing food? correct calorie burn?) and use the data to course correct.

    As a side note, the weight you gained is likely not muscle per se. It is more likely increased stores of water and the like as your body adapts to your new lifestyle. This will adjust as your body becomes used to the exercise.
  • peachsilver
    peachsilver Posts: 4 Member
    hey, its disheartening but the first little bit of weight loss can be down to loosing water, its your body's way of getting used to your new routine.

    don't weight yourself every day, do it every week or so you might see a difference. also weight yourself in the morning before you eat and stick to that sorta time every week, it gives you a good base line

  • tiffanybrooks530
    tiffanybrooks530 Posts: 140 Member
    Take before pics
    take your measurements (arms, thighs, waist etc)
    starting weight
    show gratitude to what you been blessed with
    (the ability to even workout)
    and seek patience during your transformation

    If the scale doesn't change you should see results
    if you take new pics every 15-30 days

    I too gain +/-5 lbs but I can see a difference in
    muscle tone as I know I work out.
    and I know it takes 21 days min to start and
    keep a new habit.
    Even if you do fall off, guess what...if you can
    look up , you can get up!

    Best wishes to you and everyone on MPF!
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Instead of relying on the fickle "motivation"...adopt the Nike mantra of "Just Do It". That's the one that will get you where you want to be. I decided I was going to be more stubborn than those pounds that didn't want to come off and I came out the winner. Yes, it's tough when you want to see consistent loss but there are so many factors that make this an up and down process. Once you decide to not overthink things, relax and just eat within a certain range, move a certain amount, and watch for body changes rather than just a dropping scale, you'll know you're doing it! Good luck. :smile:
  • ars1300
    ars1300 Posts: 159 Member
    Consistency over time is the key and finding a health balance that works for you. The first few pounds are the easiest. Stay dedicated! Many things can affect the number on the scale, hormones, sodium, water, etc. Consider other ways of tracking your progress such as how your clothes are fitting, progress photos or actually taking your measurements periodically.
  • Dear all,

    Thanks for all your comments, i will definitely keep it up as i am determined to lose it all this time. It is nice to hear that other people have had the same problem and overcome it. and thanks for all the tips

  • PrairieSlims
    PrairieSlims Posts: 42 Member
    H i Heide:

    I am willing to help you be supportive if you message me as I get lost on these boards.
    Muscle does weigh heavier. I understand it is discouraging.

    It could also be in the foods that you are eating? What are you doing?

    Keep the faith girl!!!

  • PrairieSlims
    PrairieSlims Posts: 42 Member
  • crt714
    crt714 Posts: 19
    Don't worry - if you are still eating right and exercising this is not something to worry about. Focus on how your clothes are fitting - are they tighter, fitting the same or looser. The scale can be a fickle SOB sometimes. I started back 5 weeks ago with exercising & tracking regularly - I lost 5 lbs in the first two weeks then bam stalled out and did not lose anything for two weeks straight but I did notice my clothes were fitting better. Then boom week five I lost two pounds! Friend me if you'd like.

    This. Yes yes yes. Especially the part about the scale. He's a nasty liar. Break up with him and bond with your clothes.
  • Keep up with your healthy life change. The results will show! I too am just getting started but I do feel better even just after a short time. Think about how you feel or how your clothes fit instead of the scales! That is one thing that is so hard for me to do but I try to keep that in mind when I look at that evil scale. I agree with the others grouping with some friends here keeps me logging and encourages me. Add me as a friend if you would like. :smile:
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    I am so happy that HediBall posted her message….because all of the comments are truly wonderful and helpful!! I am beginning my weight loss journey …again…but I am more committed than ever this time around. Reading all the posts to encourage her was wonderful! Thanks to all of you for your comments to her….I will take them to heart also!!
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    You simply have to change your perspective. Stop looking at it from a day to day or week to week stand point and look at it as a life long change. You didn't gain all that weight in 1 week, it took months, years, maybe decades. You obviously can't lose all that weight in 1 week either.
  • oceanbreeze27
    oceanbreeze27 Posts: 66 Member
    It can be discouraging when your body starts doing things you don't understand -- like adding weight when you're sure it should be coming off! Cliche as it may sound, the key is to be consistent and keep going, in spite of the numbers on the scale. Your body weight fluctuates throughout the day so if you must rely on numbers, grab a measuring tape and go to town! But the best measure of fitness success is how YOU feel every step of the way. Don't give up, don't give in, and stay the course. :o)
  • MarlaVSings
    MarlaVSings Posts: 66 Member
    I'm in the middle of a little slump right now. No weight loss last week and with the way I have been eating this week I'm not expecting a loss at next weigh in either. I'm trying not stress out it or use it as an excuse to quit.

    I am trying to come to peace with the fact that slumps are an eventuality, especially if you have a lot to lose. You can't pull off great #'s every week. So I decided to make a compromise this week. I may not have it in me to lose, but I know I can stay within my maintenance calories daily. So at least, hopefully, I won't *gain* weight.

    This thread is also motivating :)