The Weight is Over!

My name is Sam, it has been a while since I have been online. I joined this website so long ago I almost forgot about it. Since my last log in I have finished my two year degree, started my career in Law Enforcement, purchased my first new truck, and begun save money to purchase my first house.

Looking back at all of my accomplishments in the last year one thing is really troubling me. I have lost a little bit of weight but if I set my mind to it I know I could have lost so much more! It is depressing and I feel kind of ashamed of myself because being big makes me so unhappy.
I have been trying to date, I have tried the online dating scene and I am able to get women to talk to me until they meet me, at that point they find some lame excuse not to talk to me anymore and no matter what they say I know it is my weight. While I know that makes them shallow I can't blame them because I too dislike looking at myself.

This year I want to prove to myself and others that I am better than being heavy. I have accomplished so much and I know I can do this! I look forward to possibly making some friends on here that can help motivate me.