I made a choice it was WRONG!

I made a super bad choice last night... here was my thinking: We went to iHop for dinner, totally unexpectedly.

So first I considered: having something off the 55+ menu which is smaller more real size portions and lighter... or wait maybe I'll have one of these salads... or wait the 1/2 1/2 wait soup most likely is Clam chowder and I'm picky so OK but nope, nope, nope!

I decide I'll have the Chicken and Waffles not a great choice but not totally bad but wait! I don't want the waffles I want this yummy looking blackberry crepe and hey it must be about the same calories as the Waffle or less since it's pancake spread thin so I'll trade it out! (which cost $1.99 more btw and I traded it OUT didn't have both)

So OK I have some chicken strips and one (1) not overly big Blackberry Crepe, ok now it's real name ---which I over looked seeing only two things, “crepe (a thin pancake) and blackberries (a healthy fruit)”,--- it is a New Blackberry Sweet Cream Cheese Crepe 1440 calories for that baby (alone)

I learned a lesson... how simple it is to go over calories way over without even knowing that you have, choices have to be made with facts. I should have gotten what I knew the values of or had a ballpark idea. I could have asked for a calorie chart (they have them) and bottom line is I should have looked it over, read the description better... but I did not, and so I have for the first time since starting this gone over calories and what is sad, it is my birthday today which is when I expected to go over calories a little, even planning all week for it with exercise and less calorie intake.

I'll be doing a workout this morning and an extra one in the evening to compensate not sure it will do the trick but I will try. Sadly, I am starving this morning too from all that extra sugar 


  • You live and you learn! Dust yourself off and begin again new! If you have a smart phone, IHOP has their calorie info online for future reference.
  • fjcone
    fjcone Posts: 19
    Don not feel bad about your choice. You can always exercise more to cover the calories and you do not need to burn it all in a single day. Last week we went to Outback with family and I went over my daily amount by a lot... and then I added more exercise for three days. It has to be OK to live a little now and then.
  • OverDoIt
    OverDoIt Posts: 332 Member
    Look at it as a treat and move on. You can't change what you ate, but you can change what you eat.
  • Interesting tidbit: studies have shown that the mere PRESENCE of healthy options on a menu leads people to feel more confident in selecting the unhealthy items. It's why McDonalds heavily advertises their salads, which aren't a big seller - it leads to more sales of their other products. Resist the marketing!

    Also, it is my practice to go online and look at a restaurant's menu before going out to eat, and selecting what I'm going to order at that point. It's easier to make a better decision when you're not rushed, not hungry, and the food and temptation is not right in front of you. Then when you get to the restaurant it's easier to go with what you already decided on than it is to make another decision.
  • I have made wrong choices so many times.

    If you know you're going out to eat, look at a menu on line in advance and stick with that. Don't allow that little demon voice talk you into having more or something else.

    If it's a last minute decision to go out to eat, then, this is what I do... I ask for a to go box with my meal and I put half in there. There is always later or tomorrow to eat it.
  • You learned some thing so it was not a waste.
    I have had shockers like this as well.
    Just keep working it and Happy Birthday!
    Don't let one day get you down.
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    Don not feel bad about your choice. You can always exercise more to cover the calories and you do not need to burn it all in a single day. Last week we went to Outback with family and I went over my daily amount by a lot... and then I added more exercise for three days. It has to be OK to live a little now and then.

    Thank you! I designed my 'diet' or lifestyle change for LIFE not just to lose wt. I intended it as a way to eat the rest of my life, although a bit more calories at goal lol. but in that thought and planning was I would be normal on special events and holidays and have that extra piece of pie or cake. So I agree you need to live a little now and then...

    It's real good to hear how you handle it over a few days, I almost, ALMOST made the choice to go until it was burned last night but that is not heart smart!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    This has happened to all of us, and it will happen again, so you have to learn damage control. The next day I drink lots of water and have a homemade vegetable soup with a low calorie, salt bullion, and a tablespoon of grated parmesean cheese on top for lunch. For dinner a low fat protein---like grilled chicken and vegetables. Do not punish yourself overly. You have to learn to fit in the occasional lapse, or it'll be hard sledding. Just keep going. Everything will be alright, and have a happy birthday. Look at it this way--you celebrated the day before.
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    I have made wrong choices so many times.

    If you know you're going out to eat, look at a menu on line in advance and stick with that. Don't allow that little demon voice talk you into having more or something else.

    If it's a last minute decision to go out to eat, then, this is what I do... I ask for a to go box with my meal and I put half in there. There is always later or tomorrow to eat it.

    Oh yes I always do and even advise others, just like you have here, get the to go right away and put 1/2 away for another meal... but I was stuck on stupid as they say lol... and it was such a small amount, 1 crepe and a few pieces of chicken... I can laugh about it today but ouch!
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    You learned some thing so it was not a waste.
    I have had shockers like this as well.
    Just keep working it and Happy Birthday!
    Don't let one day get you down.

    Thank you... it is nice to know others have been in these shoes...
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    Interesting tidbit: studies have shown that the mere PRESENCE of healthy options on a menu leads people to feel more confident in selecting the unhealthy items. It's why McDonalds heavily advertises their salads, which aren't a big seller - it leads to more sales of their other products. Resist the marketing!

    Also, it is my practice to go online and look at a restaurant's menu before going out to eat, and selecting what I'm going to order at that point. It's easier to make a better decision when you're not rushed, not hungry, and the food and temptation is not right in front of you. Then when you get to the restaurant it's easier to go with what you already decided on than it is to make another decision.

    Yep I believe that is true, I saw my healthy options and went right to the bad choice, making my mind see it as OK...

    I had looked for where I am going today and have the whole plan... but this stop last night was totally unexpected and I don't have a smart phone, Ironically I thought about texting my daughter for the calories of that crepe.. but again I was stuck on it's OK!
  • I agree with what others have said.

    Just know that most "Fruit" options on menus like that are not really that healthy.

    They ruin the nutritional value of the fruit by processing it with sugar, cream, butter, cooking the fruit into pure annihilation.

    You live & learn! Also don't be afraid to ask if they have their menus nutritional info available for you to look at if it's not posted on the menu and if anyone gives you **** for it tell them that it's good to know what you're eating. Trust me my family and friends probably think I'm weird for weighing & measuring everything that I eat.

    Hope this helps, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and forget about it!
  • Jgmafpw
    Jgmafpw Posts: 4 Member
    I agree, and by sharing this, you help make us all more aware!
  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    We all make mistakes! It's good to see you're taking responsibility for it (instead of blaming IHOP, which it seems like some people around here would do) and moving forward. A cheat meal here and there won't mess things up!
  • kimmymayhall
    kimmymayhall Posts: 419 Member
    Happy birthday! Live and learn. And enjoy your birthday. Two days does not break a healthy lifestyle.
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    Just consider it a birthday treat and move on. Happy Birthday!!

    I understand making this a lifestyle change. I'm newly diagnosed as type 2 diabetic so this journey will never end for me. We're going to occasionally make a bad choice and that's ok. Before this, I was probably making that bad choice 4 times a week, so only having an occasional treat is a great improvement overall!

    I check restaurant menus ahead of time if possible or look it up on my phone when looking at the menu. I've also been using an app called Healthy Out. You enter your dietary preferences and it'll tell you what restaurants nearby have items meeting your selection. You can then select individual food items to look at the specifics of cals, carbs, fats etc. Most larger chain restaurants will be included but the smaller mom and pop places won't be.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Happy Birthday! And don't let it get you down. Why should it?
    You had a yummy meal as a treat, and while it may have been more calories than you expected, you move on and get back to your deficit today :D
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Was it at least yummy??? Move on. We have all had our slip ups.
  • I did something similar last night. Hubby and I managed to get an over night babysitter and went out for drinks and dumplings with friends. I had six small delicious handcrafted Chinese dumplings, that I had budgeted into my calories for the day, a few drinks, and a good time, until around ten when someone suggest we go to this all night diner downtown, where I ate a huge hot turkey sandwich.... And some of a friend's pancakes. I ate so much it physically hurt.

    I guess you and I can just go on with our week being a little more diligent and hoping we don't under estimate again.

    I am also going to be proud I resisted the colossal chocolate cake everyone else shared.
  • austinsneeze
    austinsneeze Posts: 220 Member
    I ate a whole pizza last night. It was a really stupid idea, but today is a new day! lol