Suggestions for switching it up?

So, my weight loss has slowed, which I knew would happen and I'm okay with that as long as I'm losing.
Right now I am doing zumba once or twice a week and going to the gym everyday except Saturdays, which is my rest day.
I've been good with food, so nothing has changed there.
I usually do about 30-40mins of cardio and 20-25 minutes of strength training when I go to the gym.

Anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to maybe switch it up?
I gotta keep my body guessing so I can lose these last 50lbs!


  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    What are you doing for cardio? When I wanted to switch things up, I took up running intervals. Interval training is great for burning fat and it's a good way to get into running if you don't already. I was following Couch 2 5K program. The key is to keep your body guessing by switching it up. You also might not want to strength train every day. i don't know as much on the topic, but I've been doing Chalean Extreme and I'll strength train about every other day. I usually do some cardio on those days as well. The other 4 days of the week is usually 45-60 minutes of intense cardio. I run, I do Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme, use the elliptical, etc. I don't want my body to get used to anything.
  • brwnsugababe
    hmmmmm, I was thinking about trying a water aerobics class....
  • billgiersberg
    I ran into the same thing. Thinking weight loss plateaus were a bit of a myth, I Googled them and found they are real. Google "weight loss plateaus" and read some of the articles you find. Some say eat at the high end of your calorie intake one day and at the low end the next. Anything to try to upset the equilibrium you body seeks to establish. I'd also be interested to see what others have tried that works well. In addition to my regular workouts this week I have also been splitting some firewood but it did little to break this plateau. I will say this...having been level all this week, I did one thing different today. Usually I eat the whites of two or three hard boiled eggs in the AM. Today I ate two complete hard boiled eggs. I know the yoke will push up the cholesterol but by 11 I was really hungry. Very interesting.....
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    Sprints, High Knees, Skipping

    Hill climbs, Stair climbs


    Skipping rope