About staying in shape for me

I have gained a bit of weight, but most people consider it superficial. However the weight gained is abnormal for me as I am normally very active. MMA, toshindo, boxing, and wrestling are just some of the sports I have done including heavy construction work. However most of these things have been cut out of my life and I am surrounded by lazy (though not overweight) people. So when I ask "Hey you wanna go for a run?" I get a look of horror. As a result it isn't as fun for me and I have gained 3 belt sizes so far.

When I first joined myfitnesspal it was purely about tracking what I eat and was surprised to see how easy it is to go over a basic calorie limit. I have gained self validation from the site as it tracks so many things for me and allows me to set goals and give myself a pat on the back when I do well. What makes it a bit harder though is constantly working around food as I am a sous chef in a pizza kitchen.