When do you find time to exercise??



  • ab_shutterbug
    ab_shutterbug Posts: 203 Member
    This is a fair question. I used to say that 'I was too busy to workout" with a FT job, being a parent, etc. Anyway, I agree with others that if there is a will there is also a way. I now park my car more than 1/2 mile away from work and at a very minimum each day, I walk over a mile. I also now bring my tennis shoes to work so that I can take 1/2 walk during the lunch hour. I really feel good about getting out and about - fresh air. I'm sure it's helping my productivity at work as well.
  • jrsmithne
    I get up at 5:30 and exercise, no excuses, no laundry i need to do, no dishes that need to be washed or put away, get dressed, go to the basement, and push play!!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I made myself a promise when I started my journey that it wasn't just about weight loss, but being healthy for life. Working out at night after work was too late since I wouldn't eat dinner till after 2000, and I really wasn't getting results at the gym. Plus, at my age, weight loss is not the only answer and I wanted to focus on toning & strengthening. So I promised I would workout at least 5-6 days p/week, I will wake up at least an hour early each work-day morning to work out for at least 45-50mins (wake up at 0400), on my off day (every other Friday), I will still wake up and workout, but workout for at least 65-70 mins (guaranteeing my min of 5 days p/wk workout): on weekends, if we have to go somewhere I will wake up early & workout before I shower & get ready. In the last 10 months, maybe 7 weeks total have gone past where I've exercised less than 6 times p/wk & only got my 5 workouts in: usually I'm 6 for 6 or even get in all 7 days :happy: (I workout at home in our exercise/game room; better workouts and no one judges me, unless you count to cats staring at me trying to figure out what I'm doing!)

    The way I figure this, I'm making a promise to myself, and I don't want to break a promise to myself as that is about the lowest thing I can think of to do to myself. So I've kept my promise and while weight loss has been slow, this is for life and I'm toning & firming and looking better in my mid 30's than I did in my mid 20' :happy:

    I know this is hard and there are times I just want to say "I'll take a day off since there is always tomorrow", but that 1 day off turns into another and another and then the full down-ward spiral! So, there are no tomorrows, only todays :flowerforyou:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    This is a fair question. I used to say that 'I was too busy to workout" with a FT job, being a parent, etc. Anyway, I agree with others that if there is a will there is also a way. I now park my car more than 1/2 mile away from work and at a very minimum each day, I walk over a mile. I also now bring my tennis shoes to work so that I can take 1/2 walk during the lunch hour. I really feel good about getting out and about - fresh air. I'm sure it's helping my productivity at work as well.

    Yep, extra pair of shoes and socks in my desk drawer.
  • lesleyuk
    I do my walking during my lunch break - we have showers at work which is handy. I am also going to start to cycle to on from work a couple of days a week. I find if its part of may normal day I am more likely to carry on the excercise
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I work 1 full time job, 1 part time job, have three children involved in various extracurricular activities, a spouse, and I am guild leader for online game, as well as run two websites. I live in Florida, it's not possible to go for a walk during lunch, unless your boss doesn't mind you returning a sweaty, smelly, exhausted mess.

    I go straight to the gym from work twice a week, those nights my partner drives the kids around. My 3rd workout is Sunday during the daytime-I put my little on in the daycare at the Y. I also try to take walks in on off days with the dogs and my little one (she enjoys walks, unlike my too-cool-to-be-seen-with-you teens).

    My gym time is devoted mostly to lifting heavy with free weights. I usually only do 15-20 minutes of HIIT cardio at the end.
  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    You guys with kids that schedule time to work out, are no less than INCREDIBLE!!!!!!! Shame to everyone that do not have kids and still say, "I don't have time to workout!!!!!" :flowerforyou:
  • StatutoryGrape
    I try to kick up my everyday routine--I walk a lot since I'm a student and am bouncing all over campus, so I'll bump up the pace or squeeze my abs just that little bit tighter when I'm busting my butt to get to class or work, haha. I'm planning on starting some Pilates dvds in the evenings soon, too.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    You guys with kids that schedule time to work out, are no less than INCREDIBLE!!!!!!! Shame to everyone that do not have kids and still say, "I don't have time to workout!!!!!" :flowerforyou:

    Thanx man, my kid is great when i want to go to the gym though...he comes with me and plays his DS...waiting patiently to turn 12 so he can come play too! He's 8 right now, and taking healthy eating in school so we really focus together on what's junk and what isn't. Hopefully I can teach him early so he doesn't have to struggle like I do, he'll be turning 30 and healthy already!
  • ATJune
    ATJune Posts: 89 Member
    wow.. u guys inspire me!!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I bring my gym clothes to work and go directly after work ... Pass my apartment and straight to the gym. If I don't I get super comfy at home and can always find something to do other then work out. I don't even give myself the chance. On the weekends I have my weight loss to motivate me to get up and go ... so I eat breakfast then off to the gym for an hour or so then home to do a pilates DVD ... Sunday's I take a hike and home to do pilates.

    I don't have kids and I really tip my hat to those of you who do and make the time to do this. It's double bonus cuz you are also instilling good habits into the little ones *applaud*
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I don't have kids and I really tip my hat to those of you who do and make the time to do this. It's double bonus cuz you are also instilling good habits into the little ones *applaud*

    Instilling good habits now is VERY important to us. Our daughters are 11 and 13. They did Power 90 DVD workouts all summer. I want that lifestyle for them and for them to see us workout. I don't want them on the next season of Too Fat for Fifteen.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    I don't have kids and I really tip my hat to those of you who do and make the time to do this. It's double bonus cuz you are also instilling good habits into the little ones *applaud*

    I second that... BRAVO... to all of you with children. Being a selfish single gal... I take my "freedom" for granted sometimes.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I bring my gym clothes to work and go directly after work ... Pass my apartment and straight to the gym. If I don't I get super comfy at home and can always find something to do other then work out. I don't even give myself the chance. On the weekends I have my weight loss to motivate me to get up and go ... so I eat breakfast then off to the gym for an hour or so then home to do a pilates

    A great habit to get into is packing your lunch and gym bag at night. I used to put my gym bag and clothes in the car at night. That way, in the morning when I work up if I felt lazy I would say," well my clothes are in the darn car I may as well get up and go to the gym now!"
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I am a mother to 2 daughters who are very busy with homework, sports, and playing outside (which I go outside with them), I work full time, I am married and my husband is deployed, I am also in school. I am not a morning person so waking up even earlier then I have to is not even in my vocabulary because I won't wake up trust me I tried. Monday-Thursday I start my workout at 7:30 or 8pm finish by 9pm then I get the clothes ready for the next day, jump in the shower, relax real quick then go to bed to do it all over again. On Saturdays I workout whenever I want I don't like to workout in the morning so the earliest I will workout is 1pm I have also done a workout at midnight on a Saturday.
  • gpies
    gpies Posts: 56 Member
    I am a mom of 5 ranging from 14 to 2. They are in 3 different schools and I work 3days/week and every other weekend. Workout time is not easy. Sometimes I take the 2 little ones with me in the jogging stroller, other times I run out the door as soon as hubby walks in, others days I wake myself up in the morning, other times in the day when I am not working. It's crazy, but I'm grumpier when I don't do it. I have double motivation. Keeping healthy and keeping sane. It's my time away sometimes.
  • KenzieKidwell
    KenzieKidwell Posts: 77 Member
    I am a teacher and a mom and a wife!!! I go to the gym at 5 am and run on an elliptical for an hour. A couple days a week I walk a mile at my planning time. I also started taking a step class and zumba once a week along with jogging with another teacher twice a week. I do not get everything in I wish I did but by the end of the day I am soo tired and just want to love on the baby and the man!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    gpies -Wow, you really are getting it done.

    kfranklin - I know you must love those Zumba classes.
  • MBrannon
    Working mom with 2 teens, and I have a hour commute each way. But I still bike every night for 45 minutes. Plus I walk a lot at work. I make it a must for me. I'd rather bike before eating dinner, so I know I get it done.
    Make it about yourself, and find the time.
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    I work 4 days a week and hubby is at home with our 5 year old and 3 year old

    Monday - cycle to and from work (about 8 mile round trip)
    Tuesday get daughter ready for nursery and drop her off in the car - hubby has to pick her up before I get home so he cycles to my work and swaps the bike for the car - then I cycle home and usually do about half an hour on the figure twister when the children are in bed
    Wednesday - same as Tuesday, except I do 45 min yoga class at lunch time too.
    Thursday - cycle to and from work
    Friday is usually a slacker day and I just do the school run (walking) 10 mins on the trampoline and ab exercises
    Saturday is a slack day - usually just walking about, although I try and fit in the trampoline and some abs
    Sunday is gym in the morning while hubby watches children (we have no childcare/family so me time is rare), and then sometimes a walk after lunch