Taking Aleve?

I've been working out consistently for the past few months and have been having trouble with knee pain. I was diagnosed with patella femoral syndrome in high school and even when not exercising regularly, have been prone to pain from walking long distance/standing or sitting for long periods of time since then.

For a long time, I used this knee pain as an excuse for not working out as any sort of activity with impact caused pain. However, I have finally gotten back into a fitness routine and have been doing my physio stretches and strengthening exercises. This has eliminated a lot of my pain but I have noticed that I still take 2-3 Aleve per week for pain after workouts.

I'm wondering if there is anyone else who has been in a similar situation? Is it okay to keep taking the Aleve on a regular basis or should I switch up my exercise routine? I am really loving what I'm doing now (TurboFire- low impact modifiers + pilates) and am hoping not to have to switch over to swimming or some other lower impact program. Should I be concerned about needing to take painkillers? Does anyone else need them regularly to keep up with their exercise?



  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Most of us aren't doctors. You should talk to one about taking medication over an extended period of time.