Question for Asthmatics



  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Caffeine has mild bronchodilator effects but I wouldn't rely on it. The doses you would have to take would likely make you jittery.
    Thank you everyone, for the support and suggestions. I actually like to exercise when I am able to breathe and get a good workout in. Swimming laps is my favorite but I run out of gas fast when the asthmas not controlled. I like to do stationary bike intervals when the pool isn't open! I control my asthma with advair 2x a day and albuterol as needed. I really hope losing weight makes this subside because the one inhaler is expensive! Plus I hate carrying them everywhere I go but thats a whole other topic...

    I have read on various websites that caffeine before exercise also helps with the asthma. I will ask my doctor in a month when I go back, but does anyone have experience with this?
