Weight loss and lowered cholesterol?

For those who had high cholesterol, did your numbers decrease with your weight loss? I see my doctor again in April for bloodwork and she said if I continue to lose weight, she is hoping the numbers will decrease. Otherwise, I have to go on a statin. I already take meds for so many other things... would love to hear others' success stories about lowering cholesterol with diet and exercise alone!


  • I am headed for the bottom of my BMI range to see if it makes a difference too. I am walk/jogging 2 miles a day to hoping the extra circulation will make a difference too.

    I hope we get some responses on this thread
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    Yes. In my experience, you lies weight and your cholesterol numbers go down. Of course, it also depends on what you are eating, too. Good luck! I would do anything not to go on a statin. I've heard horror stories from friends who have had to be on them!