College students stuck on campus?

I know I can't be the only college student wanting to get healthier and lose some weight. I'm a Junior and a Music Major who's stuck on campus forever and has to eat gross dining hall food because I can't afford anything else. Stressed out because of school and I have no time for anything else. Anyone else feel my struggle?


  • karl39x
    karl39x Posts: 586 Member
    I hear you, I'm at class from 3 to 10 with some time in between. I usually take a lunch pail with random snacks and a sandwich or something, it's better than the weird food at the cafeteria.
  • LeahFerri
    LeahFerri Posts: 186 Member
    Totally do. Not specifically because of weight, but I moved off-campus this year (I'm also a junior) because I was tired of being on a meal plan. I was basically living on bagels and salads. I'm an EMT on campus and on call for 24 hours 2-3 times a week, and a double major, biochem/health policy. I'm premed, so now also starting the medical school application process. Stress is the max.

    What's your campus dining provider? We used to have Aramark here, and now we've moved to Sodexo. Both provided nutrition information online--a decent amount of it is actually in the MFP database!

    If you can carve out time to get to your campus gym, do it. For me, it's a nice way to turn my brain off for a little while and get in some TV time--multitasking! I don't always get there, because sometimes I'm just too busy or too tired or can't fathom the thought of jumping off the treadmill to run to a medical call, but I'm always glad when I do.
  • clairets93
    Ugh our provider is the joke that is Sodexo. I'm so sorry you guys switched over, it's absolutely horrid. Get ready for food that is worse quality than McDonalds, but ridiculously overpriced. I've looked at the nutrition facts. They're just so scary...

    Anyways, ya we do have really nice gym actually. I have 12 hour days almost every day, plus practicing, rehearsals and homework. Dragging my butt to the other side of campus is the bane of my existence, but I just have to get over it and go. When I do end up going it's such a stress relief though. And honestly, I know I'm not the busiest person alive, and everyone is in the same exact boat. I mean biochem/health policy. Dang, girl!

    I'm also curious what kind of food you guys keep in your room/dorm/apartment for quick and easy stuff to make. I only have access to a microwave.